Cool papers compiled from Mind Design III: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence, edited by John Haugeland, Carl F. Craver and Colin Klein.
These are only the papers which I could find PDFs for online.
What is Mind Design? - John Haugeland, 1996. Endeavoring to explain the mind by examining how it was designed.
Computer Science as Empirical Inquiry - Alien Newell and Herbert A. Simon, 1975. Understanding intelligence within computer science and cognitive science, highlighting symbolic representation and manipulation in creating intelligent behavior.
Vision - David Marr, 1982. A computational investigation into the human representation and processing of visual information.
The Analogue Alternative - Corey J. Maley, 2011. Introducing a four-fold classification involving analog, digital, continuous, and discrete representations in cognitive science.
Computing Machinery and Intelligence - Alan Turing, 1950. The famous introduction to the imitation game.
On our best behavior - Hector J. Levesque, 2014. Arguing against judging intelligence soley through behavior, but rather through understanding the underlying processes and mechanisms that produce such behavior.
Rationality and Intelligence - Stuart J. Russell, 1997. Helping to create a more specific definition of intelligence via the concept of rational agency.
Central Systems - Jerry A. Fodor, 1983. A chapter in The Modularity of Mind, describing the "non-modular" central systems of the mind.
This is incomplete, I'll finish it tomorrow.