It's a free online chess game focused on realtime and simplicity.
It haz a search engine,
computer analysis,
and a weird monitoring console.
The UI is available in 72 languages thanks to the community.
Lichess is written in Scala 2.10, and relies on Play 2.1 for the routing, templating, and JSON. The codebase is fully asynchronous, making heavy use of Scala Futures and Akka 2 actors. Lichess talks to Stockfish using a FSM Actor to handle AI moves and analysis. It uses MongoDB 2.4 to store about 10 million games, which are indexed by elasticsearch 0.90. HTTP requests and websocket connections are proxied by nginx 1.4.
Join us on #lichess IRC channel for more info.
This is full-stack application, not a library, and it may not be straightforward to get it fully running. I assume you run a Unix with nginx, mongodb, elasticsearch and stockfish installed.
Some steps of the installation will trigger a download of the galaxy. It will take ages.
git clone git://
cd lila
git submodule update --init
bin/play compile
cp conf/application.conf.dist conf/application.conf
extends base.conf
and can override any value.
Note that application.conf
is excluded from git index.
When accessed from the root domaing (e.g.,
the application will redirect to a language specific subdomaing (e.g.
Additionally, lichess will open websockets on the socket.
subdomain (e.g.
Here is my local nginx configuration for
, assuming lila is installed in /home/thib/lila
and runs on
And here is my local /etc/hosts file
Launch the play console:
From here you can now run the application (run
Big thanks go to lichess community for the support, inspiration, bug reports, and amazing translation efforts.
Special thanks go to:
- Mephostophilis for writing Lichess Wiki, leading the cheater hunt, moderating the site, reporting countless bugs, and contributing to the codebase
- Smiling Bishop, legend, mb and all the moderators who spent time keeping the site enjoyable
- Evropi for contributing to the wiki and animating #lichess IRC channel
- Steibock for board theming
- Yusuke Kamiyamane for the fugue icons
- pgn4web for the analysis board
Thanks to all players for feeding the database.