Please note that the health information generated by the chatbot is for general research purposes only. It is not a diagnostic tool, nor is it a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific conditions.
Our work has been accepted at ACM-BCB. The paper is available here:
The dataset is the initial commercial use subset taken from COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) and consists of 9000 scholarly articles.
For the training purposes, we have extracted the abstract and the main body of these articles and have merged them together.
For (re)extracting the data, run the command below.
We have retrained GPT-2 774M model with the COVID-19 corpus.
The model was trained using the Adam optimizer with the learning rate of 0.0001. It went through 2500 iterations with the batch size of 8.
The model is hosted and available at this Google Drive link.
Once you have downloaded the model, and put the model inside the models
directory. Afterward, to run the chatbot, execute the sequence of commands
shown below.
git clone
cd covid-19-chatbot
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
PYTHONPATH=src python3 -W ignore
For running the web application, navigate to the web-app
directory and run
flask run
(it should be hosted on port 5000, usually).
It is also possible to run transfer learning with your own data.
Google Colaboratory (re)training example:
# Mount the drive
from google.colab import drive
# Set up the repository
%cd "/content/drive/My Drive"
!rm -rf gpt-2
!git clone "/content/drive/My Drive/COVID-19_CHATBOT/gpt-2/"
%cd COVID-19_CHATBOT/gpt-2/
# Install the pretrained model and its dependencies
!python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
!python3 774M
# Install additional dependencies
!python3 -m pip install fire==0.2.1 \
tensorflow-gpu==1.14 \
tensorflow-hub==0.7.0 \
# Run the transfer learning training
# NOTE: You will need to upload `data` folder from this repository and put it
# into the `COVID-19_CHATBOT` directory
!PYTHONPATH=src python3 --dataset="/content/drive/My Drive/COVID-19_CHATBOT/data" \
--model_name=774M \
--batch_size=8 \
--optimizer=adam \
--learning_rate=0.0001 \
--save_time=-1 \
--sample_every=-1 \
--save_every=500 \
Special thanks to @shawwn for making GPT-2 TPU-trainable on Google Colaboratory.
The results are also available in a single file here.
The work we would like to see in the future includes retraining the model with a different dataset, tweaking the hyperparameters, and/or applying the larger GPT-2 model (1.5B parameters).
The project was developed by David Oniani and Dr. Yanshan Wang.