Visualization and tracking of COVID data releases from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care (MOHLTC) available here from the 2019 Novel Coronavirus page:
@author mylesmharrison (myles at mylesharrison dot com)
This also relies on data gathered by the MIDAS Network, available here:
2020-03-30 Changeover from regular case statuses to iPHIS format
These updates were saved manually by myself for the 10:30 and 17:30 updates from 2020/03/23 - 2020/03/29
Data prior to 03/23 was backfilled from the data from the same source saved by MIDAS
After changes in reporting on 2020/03/30, saved only daily
These are consolidated and processed files of the MIDAS data via python (currently in jupyter only)
These files are single-line extracts from the HTML done via the python scraper/data extraction script
Archived via python scraper with data update frequency beginning on 2020/03/28
The web scraper requires the geckodriver executable to be in a directory in your PATH
Scrape page and save both HTML and csv
python py/
Extract from previously saved HTML
python py/ --fromfile html/2019-novelcoronavirus_20200329_104219.html
Add python scraper usingpd.read_html()
Split python scaper into separate python file and automate csv generation- 2020-03-30 Update scaper to account for schema change (iPHIS)
- Test automation of web scraper
- Create .py file for batch plot generation / update
- Organize csv output and MIDAS data
- Tableau dashboarding