Releases: mzattera/b2fJ
Status before pulling request #17 opened on Feb 28 by eahumada
eahumada added a lot of interesting features, including GC. This is a marker in case I need to undo the pull request.
Rel. 0.2.3
Added FuckBench platform (
Rel. 0.2.2
Unfortunately, due to #8, sub-classing is broken. Still, releasing this as a proof-of-concept as it used by the FuckBench project.
- Refactored code to have a nicer split between different platforms and make porting easier.
- Made Java heap allocation nicer by supporting segmented heap again.
- Removed unnecessary type conversion check code (
). - Fixed constant String allocation, to align with proper Java behavior and avoid OutOfMemoyException (see #3).
- Code now uses standard definitions for boolean, integer and
greatly improved adding more support for standard library. Added I/O to console, includingConsole
Rel. 0.2.1
- Tested an fixed use of CASSPATH in batch files.
- Tested and fixed Java - PETSCII character conversion.
- Slightly improved print() code.
- Fixed ANT scripts to use JDK 15 and produce 1.8 code.
- Updated versions of cc65 and WinVICE being distributed.
Rel. 0.2.0
Greatly extended class library by using classes from leJOS NXJ (replacing those from RCX).
Fixed conversion from Java String to char[] into the JVM code.
ANT builds using Java 1.8; suppressed related compiler warnings.
jtools now outputs directly C code instead of Java binary.
"Magic number" and version automatically synchronized between jtools and b2fJ JVM.
Removed unused classes from jtools.
Proof of Concept
This is the first release of b2fJ; it works enough for me to create a (naive) sprite demo on the C64.