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Releases: mzattera/b2fJ

Status before pulling request #17 opened on Feb 28 by eahumada

20 Jun 07:12
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eahumada added a lot of interesting features, including GC. This is a marker in case I need to undo the pull request.

Rel. 0.2.3

01 Jan 15:46
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Rel. 0.2.2

30 Dec 10:40
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Rel. 0.2.2 Pre-release

Unfortunately, due to #8, sub-classing is broken. Still, releasing this as a proof-of-concept as it used by the FuckBench project.

  • Refactored code to have a nicer split between different platforms and make porting easier.
  • Made Java heap allocation nicer by supporting segmented heap again.
  • Removed unnecessary type conversion check code (mydebug.h).
  • Fixed constant String allocation, to align with proper Java behavior and avoid OutOfMemoyException (see #3).
  • Code now uses standard definitions for boolean, integer and NULL.
  • greatly improved adding more support for standard library. Added I/O to console, including Console class.

Rel. 0.2.1

18 Oct 15:49
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  • Tested an fixed use of CASSPATH in batch files.
  • Tested and fixed Java - PETSCII character conversion.
  • Slightly improved print() code.
  • Fixed ANT scripts to use JDK 15 and produce 1.8 code.
  • Updated versions of cc65 and WinVICE being distributed.

Rel. 0.2.0

18 Jul 16:53
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  • Greatly extended class library by using classes from leJOS NXJ (replacing those from RCX).

  • Fixed conversion from Java String to char[] into the JVM code.

  • ANT builds using Java 1.8; suppressed related compiler warnings.

  • jtools now outputs directly C code instead of Java binary.

  • "Magic number" and version automatically synchronized between jtools and b2fJ JVM.

  • Removed unused classes from jtools.

Proof of Concept

22 Jun 21:40
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This is the first release of b2fJ; it works enough for me to create a (naive) sprite demo on the C64.