NodeJS is google's javascript engine that allows us to run javascript as a service. It also comes with a nify tool called NPM which helps us manage packages. The most common option is to install NodeJS and npm using the official installer. However, if you are on a Mac, it is better if you install it through homebrew. I highly recommend John Papa's tutorial for installing npm without sudo.
After you succesfully install nodeJS and NPM, you need to install the following packages:
- Cordova (cordova)
- Ionic Framework (ionic)
- Nodemon (nodemon)
- Bower (bower)
- Gulp (gulp)
You can install each package globally by running npm install (package_name) -g or you can install them all by running the command below:
npm install cordova ionic nodemon bower gulp -g
Git is our version control system. We use it because it’s easy, fast, and powerful. The client can be installed here. Just choose the correct version for your operating system and follow the on-screen instructions.
I use sublimetext but feel free to use your own or any of the others below.
MongoDB is our NoSQL Database. It’s highly scalable and by allowing us to store JSON objects directly in the table, we can make changes on the fly. Below are install instructions for each environment:
RoboMongo provides a nice user interface for working with MongoDB. It’s similar to PHPMyAdmin and SQL Management Studio. You can download the official version [here] (
After you clone the petbook repository to your desktop, run the command below to install all npm packages. Bower packages will also be installed with this command.
$ npm install
To run the project for the first time, run the following command:
$ ionic serve
By default, the project is using the backend on heroku at If you need to run the backend on your local, just uncomment "http://localhost:8080/api" in app.js on line 42.
If you use your local backend, you will need to run your node server. You can clone the repo [here] ( and follow the README.
To run the project on IOS for the first time, run the following commands:
$ npm install ios-sim -g
$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic build ios
$ ionic run ios
To run the project on Ionic View:
- Download and run Ionic View on your mobile device Link
- Find the petbook app via id: ec3b247c
Copyright (c) 2016 Hedukor