NativeScript Google Maps SDK utility library to support features such as marker clustering, heatmap, ...
Android implemented.
iOS not implemented.
- nativescript-google-maps-sdk
tns plugin add nativescript-google-maps-utils
var GoogleMaps = require('nativescript-google-maps-sdk');
var GoogleMapsUtils = require('nativescript-google-maps-utils');
function onMapReady(args) {
var mapView = args.object;
var positionSet = [ /* GoogleMaps.Position... */ ];
GoogleMapsUtils.setupHeatmap(mapView, positionSet);
var markerSet = [ /* GoogleMaps.Marker... */ ];
GoogleMapsUtils.setupMarkerCluster(mapView, makerSet);
import using either of
import GoogleMapsUtils = require("nativescript-google-maps-utils")
import * as GoogleMapsUtils from "nativescript-google-maps-utils"