- Fukuoka, Japan
- twitter.com/nagachika
QueryIt Smart is the demonstration application for BigQuery & Cloud Machine Learning.
repository to research & share the machine learning articles
MRuby on Container / A Linux container runtime using mruby DSL for configuration, control and hooks
Docekerfile for gox, cross-compiling golang project parallelly
Dokku plugin to create and link to an ephemeral mysql container
Source of the https://www.ruby-lang.org website.
nagachika / formotion
Forked from clayallsopp/formotionMaking iOS Forms insanely great with RubyMotion
A state machine gem designed for RubyMotion.
A toolkit of support libraries and RubyMotion Core extensions
A state machine gem designed for RubyMotion.
A toolkit of support libraries and RubyMotion Core extensions
Making iOS Forms insanely great with RubyMotion
A tiny rack application for demonstration of Enumerator::Lazy.
some code fragment which allow me to write script like "C-F-C-F-Dm7".play
nagachika / guard-rrails
Forked from walf443/guard-rrailsrrails on guard.
raise CRuby's internal fatal error by calling rb_fatal()
CoreAudio (Audio Framework of Mac OS X) ruby wrapper library
nagachika / rubykaigi
Forked from ruby-no-kai/rubykaigithe web site for RubyKaigi.