A delegate is a type-safe function pointer that holds the reference of a method and invokes it for execution. To call a method using a delegate, we follow three steps:
Define a delegate: [] delegate void | type ([]);
The return type of the delegate and the method it references should match. Parameters of the delegate and the referenced method should have matching types. Example: public delegate void AddNumberDelegate(int x, int y); public void Addition(int a, int b); public delegate string SayHelloDelegate(string name); public static string SayHello(string name);
Instantiate the delegate: AddNumberDelegate numberDelegate = new AddNumberDelegate(program.Addition); SayHelloDelegate sayHelloDelegate = new SayHelloDelegate(SayHello);
Now call the delegate by passing required parameter values, so that internally the method which is bound with the delegate gets executed.
AddNumberDelegate numberDelegate = new AddNumberDelegate(program.Addition); //First way numberDelegate(20, 60);
//Second way numberDelegate.Invoke(56, 78);
SayHelloDelegate sayHelloDelegate = new SayHelloDelegate(SayHello);
//First way string str = sayHelloDelegate("ayyappa"); //Second way string str1 = sayHelloDelegate.Invoke("Reddy"); Console.WriteLine(str); Console.ReadLine();