- This project was motivated by CycleGANand Scale-recurrent Network .
- CycleGAN Original paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.10593
- Scale-recurrent Network Original paper: http://www.xtao.website/projects/srndeblur/srndeblur_cvpr18.pdf
-Rather than using CycleGAN [6] just for data augmentation as it is communally used in some recent works. Instead we present a use case where we can exploit this algorithm for data labeling moreover than just data augmentation. -To better address the face image blurring problematic, we present a sequential learning strategy in a learning chain consists of an unsupervised learning based-algorithm in charge of data labeling and a supervised learning-guided algorithm taking charge of face image recovery. -We investigated the face image deblurring impact on the face detection accuracy.
Visual comparisons on our testing dataset. from left to right: Ground truth, Blurred input, Tao et al, Yuan et al, Zhu et al, Ours.
Visual comparisons on real blurred face images. From left to right: blurred input, Tao et al, Yuan et al , Zhu et al , Ours.
FaceBox, Face detection algorithm performance on our face deblurring results: a, b and c respectively show the ground truth, blurred and restored version.
Samples of dataset we use are in the CycleGAN/CycleGAN_Data folder,for better performance collect more real face unlabeled clear/blurred image training data .
- Write the dataset to tfrecords
$ cd CycleGAN/CycleGAN_Code
$ python build_data.py --X_input_dir CycleGAN/CycleGAN_dataset/trainA \
--Y_input_dir CycleGAN/CycleGAN_dataset/trainB \
--X_output_file CycleGAN//CycleGAN_dataset/blurred.tfrecords \
--Y_output_file CycleGAN//CycleGAN_dataset/sharp.tfrecords
$ cd CycleGAN/CycleGAN_Code
$ python train.py --X CycleGAN/CycleGAN_dataset/blurred.tfrecords \
--Y CycleGAN/CycleGAN_dataset/sharp.tfrecords \
--skip False
To change other default settings, you can check train.py
$ tensorboard --logdir checkpoints/${datetime}
You can export from a checkpoint to a standalone GraphDef file as follow:
$ python export_graph.py --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/${datetime} \
--XtoY_model blurred2sharp.pb \
--YtoX_model sharp2blurred.pb \
--image_size 256
After exporting model, you can use it for inference. For example:
cd /CycleGAN
python inference.py --model CycleGAN_Model/sharp2blurred.pb \
--input input_sample.jpg \
--output output_sample.jpg \
--image_size 256
Our pretrained models are in the CycleGAN_Model folder.
- Python2.7
- Scipy
- Scikit-image
- numpy
- Tensorflow 1.4 with NVIDIA GPU or CPU (cpu testing is very slow)
Clone this project to your machine.
git clone https://github.com/jiangsutx/SRN-Deblur.git
cd SRN-Deblur
Using the trained CycleGAN We inferred a blurred version of CelebA dataset.CebebA is a benchmarked clear face image dataset downloadable from this link: https://www.kaggle.com/jessicali9530/celeba-dataset In order to build the a clear/blurred labed face image dataset:Run the trained CycleGAN inference on whole CelebA dataset using the below command on line.
cd /CycleGAN
python inference.py --model CycleGAN_Model/sharp2blurred.pb \
--input input_sample.jpg \
--output output_sample.jpg \
--image_size 256
Please put the dataset into training_set/
. And the provided datalist.txt
can be used to train the model, follow the template and adapt its contain to your data order and location.
Hyper parameters such as batch size, learning rate, epoch number can be tuned through command line:
cd /SRN
python run_model.py --phase=train --batch=16 --lr=1e-4 --epoch=4000
We provide pretrained models inside checkpoints/
To test blur images in a folder, just use arguments
and save the outputs to --output_path=<OUTPUT_FOLDER>
For example:
python run_model.py --input_path=./testing_set --output_path=./testing_res
If you have a GPU, please include --gpu
argument, and add your gpu id to your command.
Otherwise, use --gpu=-1
for CPU.
python run_model.py --gpu=0
To test the model, pre-defined height and width of tensorflow
placeholder should be assigned.
Our network requires the height and width be multiples of 16
When the gpu memory is enough, the height and width could be assigned to
the maximum to accommodate all the images.
Otherwise, the images will be downsampled by the largest scale factor to be fed into the placeholder. And results will be upsampled to the original size.
According to our experience, --height=720
and --width=1280
work well
on a Gefore GTX 1050 TI with 4GB memory. For example,
python run_model.py --height=720 --width=1280