Implementation of the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) using PyTorch
Accompanying repository for Let's make a DQN / A3C series.
Implementation of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) with Prioritized Experience Replay (PER)
Clean, Robust, and Unified PyTorch implementation of popular Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms (Q-learning, Duel DDQN, PER, C51, Noisy DQN, PPO, DDPG, TD3, SAC, ASL)
DRLib:a Concise Deep Reinforcement Learning Library, Integrating HER, PER and D2SR for Almost Off-Policy RL Algorithms.
A novel DDPG method with prioritized experience replay (IEEE SMC 2017)
My DRL library with tensorflow1.14 based on openai spinning-up
A GPT-4 AI Tutor Prompt for customizable personalized learning experiences.
Code for paper "Computation Offloading Optimization for UAV-assisted Mobile Edge Computing: A Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Approach"
DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) python module
OpenAI gym environment of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle.
A 3D path following simulation for autonomous underwater vehicle on Matlab/Simulink
OpenAI gym environment for collision avoidance and path following with an AUV
simentha / gym-auv
Forked from EivMeyer/gym-auvOpenAI gym environment for collision avoidance and path following with an AUV
Massively Parallel Deep Reinforcement Learning. 🔥
PyTorch implementation of DQN, AC, ACER, A2C, A3C, PG, DDPG, TRPO, PPO, SAC, TD3 and ....
Simple Reinforcement learning tutorials, 莫烦Python 中文AI教学
An elegant PyTorch deep reinforcement learning library.
Reimplementation of DDPG(Continuous Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning) based on OpenAI Gym + Tensorflow
Master's Thesis Project: Design, Development, Modelling and Simulating of a Y6 Multi-Rotor UAV, Imlementing Control Schemes such as Proportional Integral Derivative Control, Linear Quadratic Gaussi…
Understanding of flight control systems, including dynamic models for UAVs, low level autopilot design, trajectory following, and path planning. The essential physics and sensors of UAV problems, i…
Matlab simulation of educational UAV (PID Version)
Simulate the path planning and trajectory planning of quadrotors/UAVs.