This is a Docker container sinso/jenkins-slave-php based on million12/behat-selenium and million12/php-app-ssh. It maily combines the functionality of the last preceding containers and adds the possibility to configure public ssh keys (without using github)
Because it shares the same container as other running PHP apps (if based on million12/php-app), it can be used for continuous integration purposes, to easily build and run tests for TYPO3 Neos/Flow applications.
SSH keys are added from GitHub via GitHub API or can be set as an environment variable. The only thing you need to do is to provide your username (or usernames, coma-separated) via env variable IMPORT_GITHUB_PUB_KEYS
. Of course you need to have your pubkey added on your GitHub account. To directly provide a public key just use the env variable SSH_PUB_KEY
docker run -d -p 1122:22 --env="IMPORT_GITHUB_PUB_KEYS=user1,user2" sinso/jenkins-slave-php
docker run -d -p 1122:22 --env="SSH_PUB_KEY=ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC....0uSCQ==" sinso/jenkins-slave-php
After container is launched, you can login:
ssh -p 1122 www@docker-host
image: million12/php-app-ssh
- '1122:22'
- webdata-container
IMPORT_GITHUB_PUB_KEYS: user1,user2,user3
SSH_PUB_KEY: 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC....0uSCQ=='
Thanks to the great work from Marcin ryzy Ryzycki [email protected]