Transcriptomic profiling of castes and of sexually and parthenogenetically produced reproductive females in the termite Cavitermes tuberosus
Natalia de Souza Araujo, Simon Hellemans, Yves Roisin and Denis Fournier
- transcriptome_annotation_2020-Apri_part1.tar.gz, transcriptome_annotation_2020-Apri_part2.tar.gz: files containing C. tuberosus transcriptomic annotation.
- analysisI.tsv: List of transcripts IDs included in each cluster resulting from Analysis I
- analysisII.tsv: List of transcripts IDs included in each cluster resulting from Analysis II
- analysisIII.tsv: List of transcripts IDs included in each cluster resulting from Analysis III
- analysisIV.tsv: List of transcripts IDs included in each cluster resulting from Analysis IV
- analysisV.tsv: List of transcripts IDs included in each cluster resulting from Analysis V
- SexualvsPart_combined_C0.txt: List of transcripts IDs commonly downregulated in females form sexual origin (common transcripts from C0 of Analyses IV and V)
- SexualvsPart_combined_C1.txt: List of transcripts IDs commonly downregulated in females form sexual origin (common transcripts from C0 of Analyses IV and V)
- UP_DOWN_script.R: Rscript containing the count estimation/ transformation of the aligned reads and the determination of UP and DOWN regulated transcripts
- Female_Alates_DOWN-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts down regulated in female alates
- Female_Alates_UP-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts up regulated in female alates
- Female_Aspirants_parthenogenetic_DOWN-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts down regulated in female spirants from parthenogenetic origin
- Female_Aspirants_parthenogenetic_UP-counts.txtt: Counting table of transcripts up regulated in female spirants from parthenogenetic origin
- Female_Aspirants_sexual_DOWN-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts down regulated in female spirants from sexual origin
- Female_Aspirants_sexual_UP-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts up regulated in female spirants from sexual origin
- Male_Alates_DOWN-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts down regulated in male alates
- Male_Alates_UP-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts up regulated in male alates
- Neotenic_Queens_p_DOWN-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts down regulated in neotenic queens
- Neotenic_Queens_p_UP-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts up regulated in neotenic queens
- Primary_Queens_DOWN-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts down regulated in primary queens
- Primary_Queens_UP-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts up regulated in primary queens
- Soldiers_DOWN-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts down regulated in soldiers
- Soldiers_UP-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts up regulated in soldiers
- Workers_DOWN-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts down regulated in workers
- Workers_UP-counts.txt: Counting table of transcripts up regulated in female workers
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