Small System-Info Tool via AutoHotkey
- Time: Time & Uptime
- Weather: Location & Temperature
- Memory: RAM (Used, Free, Total & ProgressBar)
- HDD: Fixed, Removable & Network Drives (Used, Free, Total & ProgressBar)
- NetTraffic: IN & OUT (dont work 100%)
- Usage: PID & PrivatUsage Memory
- Clear Memory
- Toggle Percentage in ProgressBar
- Toggle & Reset Transparency
- Toggle AlwaysOnTop
- Toggle WinShow / WinHide
- visit and enter your city or zip code (e.g. Paris, FR)
- new link => (location id = 615702)
- add ?w=615702&u=c for Paris and Celsium (f = fahrenheit)
- =>
- Version: v0.8.3
- URL: AHK Thread
- 0.8.3 | Change GetSystemTimes() to CPULoad(), Scale transparency with Strg+MWHEEL(UP|DOWN)
- 0.8.2 | Click to open Drive in Explorer, Update Window
- 0.8.1 | Bugfixes & Improvements
- 0.8.0 | Clear Memory, Add SWP, Bugfixes
- 0.7.6 | Add CPU Load, Bugfixes
- 0.7.5 | Update with days
- 0.7.4 | Bugfixes & Improvements
- 0.7.3 | Bugfixes & Improvements
- 0.7.2 | Fix GlobalMemoryStatusEx()
- 0.7.1 | Fix GetProcessMemoryInfo
- 0.7.0 | Bugfixes, PID & PrivateUsage
- 0.6.4 | Bugfixes
- 0.6.3 | Toggle Percentage in Progressbar
- 0.6.2 | Fixes Weather, Drag & Move
- 0.6.0 | Added Weather (Location & Temperature)
- 0.5.1 | Colored Progess for Memory & HDD
- 0.5.0 | Network Drives, Tray-Menu, DisplayBrightness
- 0.3.0 | First Release
- thanks to AutoHotkey Community