- Start a pnpm project with the command:
pnpm i
- Initialize a git repository in the root folder with the command:
git init
- Create the apps/projects you want to include as subfolders from the root folder. Make sure to also use pnpm
- Add a
property in the root package.json - To use every sub-project scripts follow the next steps:
- Start adding the property you will later use as an execution command. I.e:
to run the backend project in watch mode with the commandpnpm run dev:back
- The value of each script should follow this pattern:
pnpm --filter=folder-name run project-execution-command
--filter=<folder name>
specifies which sub-project to targetrun <sub-project-script>
executes the specified script within that sub-project
- Add additional commands if needed:
- If any additional command is needed, add them in the
property of the respective sub-project's package.json, then make the reference in the root package.json script