This container relays an hl7 message from the MLLP protocol to a HAPI-compliant REST API. The original program can be found here.
It is useful when many health systems don't have the resources to write their own transformations to a REST API. It doesn't help the free version of Mirth only allow HTTP outbound channels, and not HTTPS.
I couldn't find the source control to reproduce stodocker/hl7overhttp-relay, and so I reverse engineered it.
You can reasonably integrate this relay with a REST API, for example Microsoft's HL7 REST API.
docker run -itd -p 8079:8079 -e HL7OVERHTTPHEADERS=x-functions-key="ABCDEFG123456789==" -e HL7OVERHTTPDEST="" nathanjamessutton/hl7overhttp-relay