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fully customizable loading button with 9 different styles


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This branch is 43 commits behind valentinjahanmanesh/loady:master.

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this is a small library to show loading and indicator in UIButton, with fully customizable styles. there are 6 different styles, you can set the colors from interface builder or programmatically.


  • animation style : like appstore download button
  • animation style : 4 phases Animation(normal, loading, success, error)
  • animation style : like telegram sharing
  • animation style : like android
  • animation style : downloading
  • Carthage Support


Installation, cocoapods

loady minimum target requirement is iOS 10.0

just add this line into your podfile

  pod 'loady'

or for manual installation simply copy the Source Code into your project, take a look at the example project for more info


Setup programmatically :

       // sets animation type
        self.allInOneview?.animationType = LoadingType.all.rawValue
        // sets the color that fills the button after percent value changed
        self.allInOneview?.backgroundFillColor = .purple
        // sets the indicator color above the button
        self.allInOneview?.loadingColor = .yellow

        // sets the indictore view color (dark or light) inside the button
        self.allInOneview?.indicatorViewStyle = .light
        // some animations have image inside (e.g appstore pause image), this line sets that image
        self.allInOneview?.pauseImage = UIImage(named: "pause.png")
        // starts loading animation
        // some animations have filling background, or change the circle stroke, this sets the filling percent, number is something between 0 to 100
        self.allInOneview?.fillTheButton(with: 10)
        // some animations have circular loading , this sets the percents of circle that are completed, number is something between 0 to 100
        self.allInOneview?.fillTheCircleStrokeLoadingWith(percent: 25)

4 Phases Animation :

        // setup colors, titles and images
        self.fourPhases?.loadingColor = UIColor(red:0.38, green:0.66, blue:0.09, alpha:1.0)
        self.fourPhases?.fourPhases = (
            // normal phase
            LoadyAnimationOptions.FourPhase.Phases.normal(title: "Lock", image: UIImage(named: "unlocked"), background: UIColor(red:0.00, green:0.49, blue:0.90, alpha:1.0)),
            // loading phase
            LoadyAnimationOptions.FourPhase.Phases.loading(title: "Waiting...", image: UIImage(named: ""), background: UIColor(red:0.17, green:0.24, blue:0.31, alpha:1.0)),
            // success phase
            LoadyAnimationOptions.FourPhase.Phases.success(title: "Activated", image: UIImage(named: "locked"), background: UIColor(red:0.15, green:0.68, blue:0.38, alpha:1.0)),
            // error phase
            LoadyAnimationOptions.FourPhase.Phases.error(title: "Error", image: UIImage(named: "unlocked"), background: UIColor(red:0.64, green:0.00, blue:0.15, alpha:1.0))
        // then later in your code after user click on the button just call, this line take the button to loading phase, 

        // in loading phase three different stage is available, you can cancel the loading by calling
        // you can take the button to success phase by calling
        // you can take the button to error phase by calling
Loading To Normal Loading To Success Loading To Error

Downloading Animation :

// setup download button details
        self.downloading?.animationsOptions.downloading = LoadyAnimationOptions.Downloading.init(
            downloadingLabel: (title: "Copying Data...", font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 18), textColor : UIColor(red:0, green:0.71, blue:0.8, alpha:1)),
            percentageLabel: (font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14), textColor : UIColor(red:0, green:0.71, blue:0.8, alpha:1)),
            downloadedLabel: (title: "Completed.", font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 20), textColor : UIColor(red:0, green:0.71, blue:0.8, alpha:1))

Setup in interface builder

Set class change attributes

if you are a fan of NVActivityIndicatorView, its very easy to integrate it with loady, you can replace our default iOS indicatorView with NVActivityIndicatorView <3 now we have a new property which accepts LoadyActivityIndicator Protocol, just set it with your favorite activity indicator view like below

// first conform to the LoadyActivityIndicator protocol like this
extension NVActivityIndicatorView : LoadyActivityIndicator {

// then replace loady default activity indicator with yours
let nv = NVActivityIndicatorView(frame: .zero)
nv.type = .circleStrokeSpin
nv.color = .red
nv.padding = 12
self.loadyButton?.activiyIndicator = nv

| | |


  1. Unable to find a specification for loady

if you get some error like this with cocoapod, just update your pod with this commands in your terminal

    > [!] Unable to find a specification for `loady`
    $ pod repo update
    $ pod install


fully customizable loading button with 9 different styles







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  • Swift 95.5%
  • Ruby 4.5%