This is our first group project. We built a GUI program using java, that allows user to register/login to enroll in our database server and checkout the gym workout plans according to the schedule choosen by the user while registering. It allows user to be enroll with the subscription feature to get special benefits inside the gym. There are also an admin panel for the admins to checkot the enrollments and manage database accordingly.
- First, download all folders and files on your system.
- Put all folders and files into a new folder named "Aiub Fitness Zone" or any desired name.
- To run the project:
- Open command prompt in that directory (Folder).
- Type the following command and press enter:
javac *.java
- type the following command and press enter:
java Start
- Alternatively, just press the "Auto-Start.bat" file for a quick run. (Self-explianatory).
Navin, Md Nawshin | Raiyen Zayed Rakin | Avoy Mollick | Sazid Sami |