Hate these ads, spam notifications? Hurry up and use NITM now! It's a watcher client for Android that auto-hides ads, spam, etc notifications via GPT3. And this idea lets AI return the formatted data for UX.
- Innovative notification filtering power by GPT3.
- Permanent background service even kills the app.
- Custom match rules.
- Local export history(xlsx).
- Safe, fully open source.
- Beautiful UI (Material You).
Coming soon to the other App Stores.
- Recommend
- This app is not free. it needs your star or follow Nawbc.
- The software only been tested on the emulator. Issues welcome.
- Han(Nawbc) assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this app.
- Enable all the necessary permissions (notification listener, battery optimization...).
- Setup the OpenAI API Key https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys (国内如果梯子无效可以尝试修改代理).
- Waiting for the ad notifications 😂 . (Download nitmgpt test to try)
- Why i cannot keep the background service alive ?
In some AOKP may not keep the background service alive, You cloud
- What to do if you keep requesting the OpenAI api ?
Ignore the applications in Custom rules
- How to avoid missing some important notifications ?
Ignore the applications in Custom rules
This project is available under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (AGPL-3.0).
Additional licenses: Copyright (C) 2021 Han [email protected]
a) The source code of this program is forbidden to be distributed, deployed, or derived by individuals, and the source code is only used for learning and communication.
b) To obtain a license to use this program, a purchase is required.
c) The source code and binary products of this program may not be used for any commercial and profitable purposes