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AWS Auto Owner Tags

This Python Lambda project automates the tagging of AWS resources that are created inside AWS accounts, identifying who has created the resource by their AWS login.

Common Tagging Strategies: tag name: Creator value: IAM user name or root_account or AWS service

Quick start

For first time usage, follow these steps to add auto tagging support:

cd aws-auto-owner-tags -a <aws_account> -r <region> -ac create-infra -a <aws_profile> -r <region> -ac create-all-services

This will create CloudFormation stacks on the account and region used. Repeat for other accounts and regions. For a deeper dive ... keep reading.

Deploying Auto Tagging

Use the script to manage CloudFormation stacks.

Usage: [options]

  Initial setup, run with the create-infra action.


  --account or -a         :AWS account profile (see ~/.aws/credentials)
  --region or -r          :AWS region, default is us-east-1
  --action or -ac         :Action that you want to perform on the CloudFormation stack, actions:
                                  o create-infra
                                  o delete-infra
                                  o create-stack - also functions as update-stack
                                  o delete-stack
                                  o create-all-services
                                  o delete-all-services
  --awsservice or -as     :AWS service to perform action on, services:
                                  o rds
                                  o ec2
                                  o s3
                                  o dynamodb
                                  o redshift

Setup Infrastructure

Auto tagging relies on two S3 buckets:

  • auto-tag-cf-data - Used by CloudFormation to store artifacts for Lambda deployment.
  • auto-tag-log-data - Used by CloudTrail to log events that trigger S3 object tagging.

To create the infrastructure, run create-infra. -a <aws_account> -r <region> -ac create-infra

Create a stack

Stacks are auto-named base on the supported service types:

  • EC2 service - stack is named AutoTag-ec2
  • RDS service - stack is named AutoTag-rds
  • S3 service - stack is named AutoTags-s3
  • DynamoDB service - stack is named AutoTags-dynamodb
  • Redshift service - stack is name AutoTags-redshift
cd aws-auto-owner-tags
./ \
  -a <aws_profile> \
  -r <region> \
  -ac create-stack \
  -as <service_to_perform_action_on>

Delete a stack

cd aws-auto-owner-tags
./ \
  -a <aws_profile> \
  -r <region> \
  -ac delete-stack \
  -as <service_to_perform_action_on>

Create stacks for all services

cd aws-auto-owner-tags
./ \
  -a <aws_profile> \
  -r <region> \
  -ac create-all-services

Delete stacks for all services

cd aws-auto-owner-tags
./ \
  -a <aws_profile> \
  -r <region> \
  -ac delete-all-services


The project is implemented with Lambda functions written in Python. Packaging and deployment is done with CloudFormation. CloudTrail events trigger on resource creation, calling the Lambda functions for supported services:

  • EC2
  • RDS
  • S3
  • DynamoDB
  • Redshift

Lambda functions

Adds Creator tag to EC2 instances, EBS volumes, EBS Snapshots or AMIs. Events:

  • CreateVolume
  • RunInstances
  • StartInstances
  • RebootInstances
  • CreateImage
  • CreateSnapshot

Adds Creator tag to RDS resources when any of the following events happen:

  • CreateDBClusterSnapshot
  • CreateDBInstance
  • CreateDBSnapshot
  • CreateDBParameterGroup
  • CreateDBSubnetGroup
  • CreateOptionGroup.

Adds Creator tag to S3 resources when any of the following events happen:

  • CreateBucket
  • PutObject

Adds Creator tag to DynamoDB tables and DAX clusters, driven by these events:

  • CreateTable
  • CreateCluster

Process and summarize CloudWatch event, start Step Function state machine, passing event. Events monitored:

  • CreateCluster

Invoked by Step Function state machine at intervals until the cluster has been successfully tagged or max tries have been exhausted.

Adding a new service

To add a new service create the following:

  • <service_name>_sam.yaml - create the SAM (can be pure CloudFormation) template to setup the CF stack.
  • - update the script to support the new service.
  • lambda/<service_name> - the Lambda handler code
  • lambda/test_<service_name> - test code, note that local-aws-response JSON is generated by Placebo. Add the argument mode='record' to the attach_local_aws_response and run the test. The response JSON is written to the directory you add in local-aws-response.
  • test_event_data/<service_name>_<operation>.json - add the event.detail JSON. You can get this by finding event format for the service in the AWS docs or generate a notification and Lambda run by adding a resource. Print the event and copy it from the CloudWatch logs.
  • Makefile - add the new build directory and zip command

Code and Environment

Python Style Guide

The project conforms to the PEP 8 Style Guide.

Environment Setup

In PyCharm, right click the lambda folder and mark as Sources Root to have your imports/from directives not complain about "resource not found".

Python3 virtualenv

Add a Python3 virtual environment to use in your IDE:

brew install python3
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 ~/venv

If there is an old venv, you may need to delete it first. There is a symbolic link that points to a specific homebrew install. For example:

.Python -> /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/Python

If the Cellar version doesn't match the Python Console can't find .Python

Update the Python interpreter in PyCharm preferences...



Add pylint. See the User Manual for more details.

cd <to your venv bin>
./pip3 install pylint

Lint code manually during development:

cd aws-auto-owner-tags/lambda
pylint --rcfile ../.pylintrc *.py

AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3)

Reference SDK Python and Boto 3 Docs.

cd <to your venv bin>
./pip3 install boto3


Placebo is a tool used to mock external API's.

cd <to your venv bin>
./pip3 install placebo
./pip3 install httmock


To use the SAM CLI, you need the following tools.

Template validation

Validate a SAM template file:

sam validate --template-file=<SAM_template>.yaml

Package and Deploy

CloudFormation can be used to package and deploy, but SAM CLI can also be used. It is a wrapper around CloudFormation. For example to package and deploy the EC2 auto tagging (replace profile to your intended target):


sam package \
  --template-file ec2_sam.yaml \
  --output-template-file ec2_sam_package.yaml \
  --s3-bucket <BUCKETNAME> \
  --profile <PROFILE>


sam deploy \
  --template-file ec2_sam_package.yaml \
  --stack-name AutoTag-ec2 \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
  --profile <PROFILE>

To update, just make changes and then re-run the sam package and sam deploy commands.


aws cloudformation delete-stack \
  --stack-name <STACKNAME> \
  --region <REGION> \
  --profile <PROFILE>


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  • Python 84.5%
  • Shell 11.3%
  • Makefile 4.2%