⚠️ ERaftKV is still being developed, you can find a golang version for ebooks - Distributed Data Services at branch eraftbook
ERaftKV is a persistent distributed KV storage system, uses the Raft protocol to ensure data consistency, At the same time, it supports sharding for large-scale data storage.
- Strong and consistent data storage ensures secure and reliable data persistence in distributed systems.
- Support KV data type operations, including PUT, GET, DEL, and SCAN operations on keys. When users operate on cluster data, they must ensure the persistence of the operation and the sequential consistency of reading and writing.
- Dynamically configure the cluster, including adding and deleting nodes, adding and deleting cluster sharding configurations, including which keyrange the cluster sharding is responsible for.
- Support for snapshot taking with the raft to compress and merge logs. During the snapshot, it is required to not block data read and write.
- Support switching to a specifying leader.
- Raft elections support PreVote, and newly added nodes do not participate in the election by tracking data to avoid triggering unnecessary elections.
- Raft read optimization: adding a read queue ensures that the leader node returns a read request after submitting it, and unnecessary logs are not written.
- Support data migration, multi-shard scale out.
Execute follow build command on the machine with docker installed.
sudo make build-dev
- step 1, create docker sub net
sudo make create-net
command output
docker network create --subnet= mytestnetwork
- step 2, run cluster in shard mode
sudo make run-demo
- step 3, use eraftkv-ctl to operator the cluster
add_group: ./eraftkv-ctl [metaserver addresses] add_group [groupid] [group server addresses]
remove_group: ./eraftkv-ctl [metaserver addresses] remove_group [group id] [node id]
query_groups: ./eraftkv-ctl [metaserver addresses] query_groups
set_slot: ./eraftkv-ctl [metaserver addresses] set_slot [groupid] [startSlot-endSlot]
put_kv: ./eraftkv-ctl [metaserver addresses] put_kv [key] [value]
get_kv: ./eraftkv-ctl [metaserver addresses] get_kv [key]
You can use follow command to run a basic rw bench test with ERaftKV
sudo make run-demo-test
- step 4, clean all
sudo make stop-demo
sudo make rm-net
Building and run test using GitHub Actions
All you need to do is submit a Pull Request to our repository, and all compile, build, and testing will be automatically executed.
You can check the ERatfKVGitHubActions See the execution process of code build tests.
To compile eraftkv, you will need:
- Docker
To build:
make gen-protocol-code
make build-dev
Run test:
make tests
If you want to build image youtself
make image
You can quickly participate in development by following the instructions in CONTROLUTING.md