- These are 3 minimum screens to be created. Feel free to show your creativity and more pages, elements, and features.
- The screens shall be responsive to all screen sizes. This is one of the challenges you need to do yourselves.
- The authentication is optional, but good to have.
- There should be a loading animation or indication when loading the API.
- You can use either ReactJs or NextJs for this assignment.
- You can use any packages, resources, or design library for this assignment.
- When submitting, you’ll need to provide both source code and hosted links. So please push the code on a Git provider and Deploy the project somewhere, before submission.
Tips / Good to add:
- Authentication. The user can log in to the app, and have a “History” Page, where he can see all of his previously downloaded images. Additionally, you can also add a “Add to favorite” functionality.
- Share Option. The user can share the image, and the shared link shall option the Image screen/modal directly.
- Dynamic Background. You can make the background image on the Landing Page dynamic, and change it every time.
- Masonry Layout. You can implement a masonry layout for the search results, something like Pinterest.
Resources (Suggested):
- Pixabay API - For Images
- Supabase - For Authentication & Database
- GitHub - For Git Provider
- Vercel / Netlify - For free hosting
Please note that above mentioned are only ‘Suggested’ Resources. You can use any resources you want, as long as the assignment meets the requirements.