Spring Boot Url Shortener Example Implementations
- In this project you can basically shorten an url.
- Spring Boot - version 2.7.9
- Java - version 8
- PostgreSQL - version 14.1
- Lombok - version 1.18.24
- Redis Cache - version 6.2.7
- Guava - version 31.0.1-jre
There are 2 API endpoints;
ShortUrlController /api/v1/shorty
- POST -> Create a Short URL and put it on REDIS cache and save to PostgreSQL database.
- GET /{code} -> Check the short code on first cache after Database and if it found, redirect the user to the desired URL.
$ mvn clean package // generates the jar file
docker-compose up -d // create REDIS, PostgreSQL, PGAdmin containers and run them on docker.