These are the few guided projects done by me on the Coursera platform
In this guided project I was supposed to make few changes in the given program to display an applet and when values entered like name and age in human years we can tell how old the respective pet is along with its name.
In this guided-project we worked with COVID19 dataset, published by John Hopkins University, which consists of the data related to cumulative number of confirmed cases, per day, in each Country. Also, another dataset consisting of various life factors, scored by the people living in each country around the globe. Then these two datasets are merged to see if there is any relationship between the spread of the the virus in a country and how happy people are, living in that country.
Data Analysis means working with different data sources. In this I learnt the steps to prepare the data sources and how to look at the data set to find a good measure to calculate for eastablishing our analysis and to solve the problem.
The answer we are looking for in this guided project is whether there is any relation ship between spread of coronavirus in a country and how happy people are living in that country.
I worked with covid-19 csv file provided by John Hopkin's University and WorldHappiness data provided by United Nations
Pre-requisite knowledge about- Programming languge like Python or R, Jupyter notebook.
Result- Developed Countries have more corona cases registered than under developed countries it can be due to the unavailability of test kits during the start of the pandemic