Take a look at these example notebooks for details on how to use GMPL Magic — no installation required, thanks to Binder!
GMPL Magic has been tested with
- Jupyter 4.2.0
- Python 3.5.2
- MetaKernel 0.14
- PyGLPK 0.4.2, available from @bradfordboyle
- GLPK 4.60
First, make sure you have a working installation of GLPK. For example, on macOS, this can be accomplished with Homebrew by:
brew update
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install glpk
(I will eventually include instructions on how to install GLPK on other operating systems.)
Next, install PyGLPK - note that the version on PyPI is outdated:
pip install https://github.com/bradfordboyle/pyglpk/zipball/master
Then, install GMPL Magic:
pip install gmplmagic
To use these magics in a Jupyter notebook:
%load_ext glpkmagic