This plugin lets you define command-line abbreviations by :Alias
which only expand at the beginning of the command prompt.
You can pass the optional parameters
or -range
to create a buffer local alias or one that accepts a range preceding the alias.
These command line abbreviations work like the bash aliases, except that the alias is substituted in-place.
Check out why an alias is most often preferable to a <leader>
:Alias [-range] [-buffer] <lhs> <rhs>
:UnAlias [-buffer] <lhs> ...
:Aliases [-buffer] [<lhs> ...]
To define the Aliases after Vim has started up, define them in
, or add to ~/.vimrc
if exists('s:loaded_vimafter')
silent doautocmd VimAfter VimEnter *
let s:loaded_vimafter = 1
augroup VimAfter
autocmd VimEnter * source ~/.vim/after/vimrc.vim
augroup END
and define them in ~/.vim/after/vimrc.vim
:Alias -range dg <c-r>=&l:diff?"diffget":"dg"<cr>
:Alias -buffer spl setlocal\ spell<bar>setlocal\ spelllang=en
:Alias w!! write\ !sudo\ tee\ >\ /dev/null\ %
:Alias F find\ *<c-r>=Eatchar("\ ")<cr>
:Alias th tab\ help
:Alias sft setfiletype
:Alias g !git
:Alias g! g!
:UnAlias g
See :help abbreviations for Eatchar(c).
The variable g:cmdaliasCmdPrefixes
lists the patterns of all commands by
which an alias command may be preceded and yet expand. It defaults to
let g:cmdaliasCmdPrefixes = [
\ '\d*verb\%[ose]', 'debug', 'sil\%[ent]!\?', 'uns\%[ilent]', 'redir\?!\?',
\ '.*[^|]|',
\ 'ld!\?', '[cl]fd!\?', '[cl]f\?do!\?',
\ '\%(\%([.$]\|\d\+\)\%([,;]\%([.$]\|\d\+\)\)*\)\?\s*' .
\ '\%(argdo\?!\?\|bufdo\?!\?\|windo\?\|tabdo\?\)' ]
If you use vim-plug, then add the
following line to your vimrc
Plug 'Konfekt/vim-alias'
This plugin builds and improves on cmdalias.vim 3.0 by Hari Krishna Dara by
- allowing for aliases of commands preceded by a range (like :Alias -range dg diffget),
- allowing for alias names ending in non-word chars (like :Alias w!! ...),
- having a Vim documentation, and
- more checks for proper usage, more consistent parameter parsing and a finer check for blanks or commands (such as : silent! ) preceding the alias.