A simple and basic linear algebra library for c++ using little code.
The best part is: It's all contained within a single header file and does not depend ony any 3rd party library.
- Compile time matrix size checking
- no new/delete/malloc/free usage
- exchangable datatypes
- Matrix operations:
- Matrix operations: multiplikation, addition, substraction, negation, assignment
- Element wise operations: multiplikation, assignment
- views on matrices
- determinant
- inverse()
- norm()
- normalize()
- svd decomposition
- transpose (as a view)
- diagnoal acces (as a view)
- iteration over elements, rows or columns possible
- join_rows()/join_cols()
- isfinite()
- abs()
- sum()
- cross() for 3x1 Matrices
- Quaternion operations:
- conversion from/to matrices
- multipikation, addition, substracton
- img(), real()
- norm()
- normalize()
- conjugate()
- dot()
- slerp()
- rotate()
- computation of minimal rotation between two vectors