Wiseflow is an agile information mining tool that extracts concise messages from various sources such as websites, WeChat official accounts, social platforms, etc. It automatically categorizes and …
很多镜像都在国外。比如 gcr 。国内下载很慢,需要加速。致力于提供连接全世界的稳定可靠安全的容器镜像服务。
Interesting APT Report Collection And Some Special IOC
Kubernetes Goat is a "Vulnerable by Design" cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security using an interactive hands-on playground 🚀
🔐CNCF Security Technical Advisory Group -- secure access, policy control, privacy, auditing, explainability and more!
Binaries for the book Practical Malware Analysis
Navigate, operate, and browse faster with mouse gestures! A customizable Firefox mouse gesture add-on with a variety of different commands.
Collection of resources that are made by the Malware Research community
This map lists the essential techniques to bypass anti-virus and EDR
⬆️ ☠️ 🔥 Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins, pwnkit, dirty pipe, +w docker.sock
This is a step-by-step guide to implementing a DevSecOps program for any size organization
This project is a SIEM with SIRP and Threat Intel, all in one.
JAVA 插件化漏洞扫描器,Gui基于javafx。POC 目前集成 Weblogic、Tomcat、Shiro、Spring等。
Suricata IDS rules 用来检测红队渗透/恶意行为等,支持检测CobaltStrike/MSF/Empire/DNS隧道/Weevely/菜刀/冰蝎/挖矿/反弹shell/ICMP隧道等
Linux enumeration tool for pentesting and CTFs with verbosity levels
📡 PoC auto collect from GitHub.
Arsenal is just a quick inventory and launcher for hacking programs