Update and generate the encrypted secrets preparing for Kustomize SOPS (KSOPS)
The update-ksops-secrets
provides a declarative configuration for managing the secrets encryption and also generates the integrated manifests that could be rendered the Secret
resource by kustomize with Kustomize SOPS plugin.
Kustomize SOPS manages the Kubernetes secret resources via the GitOps paradigm by integrating with kustomize and SOPS.
We use UpdateKSopsSecrets
custom resource to configure the update-ksops-secrets
function. The desired values are provided as a schema.
apiVersion: fn.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
kind: UpdateKSopsSecrets
name: string
string: string
string: string
type: string
- string
- string
- type: string
recipient: string
name: string
key: string
The API version of the configuration resource
The resource kind refers to this configuration
The metadata for describing the generated Secret
Field | Description | Example |
name |
The generated Secret resource name |
runtime-secrets |
annotations |
The secret annotations | fn.kpt.dev/generator: update-ksops-secrets |
labels |
The secret labels | fn.kpt.dev/generated-by: kpt |
Field | Description | Example |
type |
Type of the generated Secret resource - Opaque (default)- kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson - ... |
kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson |
references |
The list of unencrypted secret resources that the update-ksops-secrets will look up and generates encrypted files |
- unencrypted-secrets - unencrypted-secrets-config-txt |
items |
The list of secret keys for data look up in the referenced secret resources | |
recipients |
The list of recipients who could decrypt the generated encrypted files |
Field | Description | Example |
type |
The type of the recipient that supported by SOPS, eg. age , pgp |
age |
recipient |
The recipient id - age : public key- pgp : fingerprint id |
age1x7pzjx4r05ar95pulf20knx0mkscaxa0zhtqr948wza3863fvees8tzaaa F532DA10E563EE84440977A19D0470BDA6CDC457 |
publicKeySecretReference |
Pass the PGP/GPG public key data with a secret reference, ignored for all other types but pgp |
Field | Description | Example |
name |
The secret name contains PGP/GPG public keys data | gpg-publickeys |
key |
The secret key contains a specific PGP/GPG public key data | 380024A2AC1D3EBC9402BEE66E38309B4DA30118.gpg |
function performs the following steps when invoked:
- Pass unencrypted secrets manifests referred by the configuration to the mutators pipeline.
- Generate the encrypted secrets from the listed items in the configuration using SOPS,
- Unavailable secrets would be skipped.
- Existing encrypted files of unavailable secrets will be processed with untouch.
- Generate or update the kustomization and KSOPS secrets resources.
Let's start with the input resource in a package, see the Note for how to prepare an unencrypted-secrets
resource file
# unencrypted-secrets.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: unencrypted-secrets
test2: test2
UPPER_CASE: upper_case
test: dGVzdA==
# unencrypted-secrets-config-txt.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: unencrypted-secrets-config-txt
config.txt: Y29uZmlnLnR4dAo=
Declare the new desired values for setters in the functionConfig file.
# update-ksops-secrets.yaml
apiVersion: fn.kpt.dev/v1alpha1
kind: UpdateKSopsSecrets
name: test-update-ksops-secrets
type: Opaque
- unencrypted-secrets
- unencrypted-secrets-config-txt
- test
- test2
- config.txt
- type: age
recipient: age1x7pzjx4r05ar95pulf20knx0mkscaxa0zhtqr948wza3863fvees8tzaaa
# Kptfile
apiVersion: kpt.dev/v1
kind: Kptfile
name: update-ksops-secrets
- image: ghcr.io/neutronth/kpt-update-ksops-secrets:0.13
configPath: update-ksops-secrets.yaml
Invoke the function:
$ kpt fn render
Alternatively, invoke function directly without the Kptfile
$ kpt fn eval \
--image=ghcr.io/neutronth/kpt-update-ksops-secrets:0.13 \
If you encountered the error with the PGP/GPG recipients encryption, see the Note to understand the limitation and working solution.
The above command will add files to your directory, which you can view
$ kpt pkg tree
Package "example"
├── [Kptfile] Kptfile update-ksops-secrets
├── [kustomization.yaml] Kustomization
├── [secrets.yaml] Secret test-update-ksops-secrets
├── [update-ksops-secrets.yaml] UpdateKSopsSecrets test-update-ksops-secrets
└── generated
├── [ksops-generator.yaml] ksops ksops-generator-test-update-ksops-secrets-config.txt
├── [ksops-generator.yaml] ksops ksops-generator-test-update-ksops-secrets-test
├── [ksops-generator.yaml] ksops ksops-generator-test-update-ksops-secrets-test2
├── [ksops-generator.yaml] ksops ksops-generator-test-update-ksops-secrets-upper_case
├── [secrets.config.txt.enc.yaml] Secret test-update-ksops-secrets
├── [secrets.test.enc.yaml] Secret test-update-ksops-secrets
├── [secrets.test2.enc.yaml] Secret test-update-ksops-secrets
└── [secrets.upper_case.enc.yaml] Secret test-update-ksops-secrets
The generated files in the package could be rendered by the kustomization
$ kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins .
apiVersion: v1
config.txt: Y29uZmlnLnR4dAo=
test: dGVzdA==
test2: dGVzdDI=
kind: Secret
kustomize.config.k8s.io/behavior: merge
name: test-update-ksops-secrets
type: Opaque
We could manually create an unencrypted secrets
file with your favorite text editor.
Or alternatively, create with kubectl
as following command
$ kubectl create secret generic unencrypted-secrets --output=yaml --dry-run=client \
--from-literal="test=test" \
--from-literal="test2=test2" \
--from-file=config.txt \
| tee unencrypted-secrets.yaml
This created file must not stored in the repository, it was used only for data preparation that
kept in local storage. Make sure to add the .gitignore
for those files exclusion.
# .gitignore
The limitation of Kpt for security reason, the running container network is not allowed by default. The user should explicitly instruct the Kpt to enable network.
There is no options to enable network within render
function as described above. Only the alternative command works with additional parameter --network
Hence, if the encrypted files recipients include the PGP/GPG fingerprints, the kpt-update-ksops-secrets
requires network to work properly as following command,
$ kpt fn eval \
--image=ghcr.io/neutronth/kpt-update-ksops-secrets:0.13 \
--fn-config=update-ksops-secrets.yaml \
The update-ksops-secrets supports in version described below:
- linux/amd64: >= 0.1
- linux/arm64: >= 0.12
The update-ksops-secrets supports the operation mode encrypt-once
that allows the user to encrypt the secret data once and keep the encrypted data in the repository. The SecretFingerprint will be generated and stored locally in the developer's environment and strictly must not commit to the repository. Please consult the .gitignore
file to exclude the secrets.*.fp.yaml