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Built on Starling for Adobe AIR and Flash Player, Foxhole consists of various UI controls designed for mobile, developed by Josh Tynjala. The author develops Foxhole to support real-world mobile applications that he develops--mostly games.

To get started, you might want to check out the API Documentation and the Foxhole for Starling Examples.

Available Components

Foxhole includes the following UI controls (in alphabetical order):


A typical button control, with optional toggle support. Includes a label and an icon, both optional.


A pop-up container that points at (or calls out) a specific region of the application (typically, a specific control that triggered it).


A typical checkbox control with a label and selection.


A hierarchical List-like control where items are divided into groups or sections, each with an optional header and an optional footer.


A non-interactive text control. Uses bitmap fonts. A simplified replacement for starling.text.TextField that is built on FoxholeControl.


A touch-based, list control. Has elastic edges and you can "throw" it. Supports custom layouts (vertical by default) and custom item renderers (with a robust default renderer that can customize the label, icon, and an "accessory" view based on the item data).


Displays a selected index, usually corresponding to a page index in another UI control, using a highlighted symbol.


A control similar to a combo box. Appears as a button when closed. The list is displayed as a fullscreen overlay on top of the stage.


Displays the progress of a task over time. Non-interactive.


A typical radio button control with a label and selection, where only one radio in a group may be selected at a time.


An abstract class for implementing a single screen within a menu developed with ScreenNavigator. Includes common helper functionality, including back/menu/search hardware key callbacks, calculating scale from original resolution to current stage size, and template functions for initialize, layout and destroy.


A header that displays a title along with a horizontal regions on the sides for additional UI controls. The left side is typically for navigation (to display a back button, for example) and the right for additional actions.


A state machine for menu systems. Uses events (or as3-signals) to trigger navigation between screens or to call functions. Includes very simple dependency injection.


A container that supports scrolling and custom layouts.

ScrollBar and SimpleScrollBar

Horizontal or vertical scroll bar controls. The full version has a thumb, track, and step buttons like traditional desktop scroll bars. The simple version has a thumb and an invisible track more like mobile touch scroll bars..


A typical horizontal or vertical slider control.


A line of tabs, where one may be selected at a time.


A text entry control that allows users to enter and edit a single line of uniformly-formatted text. Uses StageText to get the best text editing integration with the operating system.


A sliding on/off switch. A common alternative to a checkbox in mobile environments.


The following external libraries are required. Other versions of the same library may work, but the version displayed below is the one currently recommended by the author.

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Important Note

The core architecture and non-private APIs of Foxhole for Starling are still under active design and development. Basically, for the time being, absolutely everything is subject to change, and updating to a new revision is often likely to result in broken content. If something breaks after you update to the latest revision, and you can't figure out the new way to do what you were doing before, please ask in the Foxhole Sub-Forum over at the Starling Forums.


  • The components do not have default skins. However, feel free to try out one of the themes included with the Foxhole for Starling Examples.

  • An Ant build script is included. Add a file called to override the location of the Flex SDK and to override the locations of the required third-party libraries.


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