React component library to generate the HTML emails on the fly
LlamaIndex is the leading framework for building LLM-powered agents over your data.
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
Custom AI assistant platform to speed up your work.
🎨 Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more
A plugin for nodemailer that uses mjml and mustache view engine to generate emails.
x86 PC emulator and x86-to-wasm JIT, running in the browser
🌈 React Rainbow Components. Build your web application in a snap.
Open Source Universal User Registration System – NodeJS React Apollo GraphQL JWT MongoDB
React component library to generate the HTML emails on the fly
Generate HTML emails from your RSS feeds.
⛔️ DEPRECATED - Ledger Live (Desktop)
A thin wrapper around mjml to provide easy mjml rendering in java applications
Logistics & marketplace platform. Only for worker-owned business.
A Node.js implementation of Razor template to email converter using mjml
Webpack plugin for converting MJML files to HTML
Maily - Responsive mails using React, MJML, and Express
Newsletter Builder with MJML components in GrapesJS
An email server that serves email templates using mjml
This repo is archived. MJML preview, lint, compile for Visual Studio Code.
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.