Nick Grumski
This project shows my ablity to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is a resume-like website showcasing information about me including my name, class year, major, computer science course work, experience with web-based technology, and other things. I tried to add CSS features to make the site more reactive
- Styled page with CSS: Added rules for img (height, position, border-style, border-width, border-color), h1 (width, font-size, color), div (display, align items), video (width, positon, border-style, border-width, border-color), p (font-size), h2 (color), h3 (color) table (border, font size) and others
- Simple JavaScript animation: On the top of the page, a square bounces between the left and right size, changing color when it changes direction.
- HTML Tags: Some of the extra tags I use are <img>, <video>, <table>, <div>, and <i>.
- Used the Graduate Font from Google Fonts: I used Roboto as the font for the primary copy text in my site.
- Implented a color palette: See colorwheel.png