Echeveria is path based view rendering system use with SwiftUI
In Xcode add the dependency to your project via File > Add Packages > Search or Enter Package URL and use the following url:
import Echeveria
Router is passed through @Environment
. Define your router with .routing
method and Route
method set a new router with .environment
view modifier.
resolve the path with referencing Router
and finds View to render.
struct SampleApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
TabView {
NavigationView {
RouteView(path: "/todos")
.tabItem { Label("Todo", systemImage: "list.triangle") }
RouteView(path: "/setting")
.tabItem { Label("Setting", systemImage: "gear") }
.routing {
Route("/todos") { TodoListView() }
Route("setting") { SettingView() }
Route("/todos/:id", parseBy: TodoParameterResolver()) { TodoView(id: $ }
Route("/help") { HelpView() }
Path definition contains parameter. For example, /todos/:id
path contains :id
The first argument of block passed to Route
is of type RoutingInfo
keeps path-parameter information in .params
member variable.
Route("/todos/:id") { routingInfo in
TodoView(id: routingInfo.params["id"]!) // id: String
If you inject custom parameter resolver via parseBy:
argument, the first argument of block is type of Param
in that parameter resolver, instead RoutingInfo
struct TodoParameterResolver: RoutingParamParser {
struct Param {
let id: Int
func parse(info: RoutingInfo) throws -> Param {
guard let idValue = info.params["id"], let id = Int(idValue) else {
throw InvalidPathFieldError(path: info.path)
return .init(id: id)
- InvalidPathFieldError / RoutingMismatchError: Standard error for parameter resolver. It's meaning "this route is not matching."