A template repository to get started with an bicep infrastructure-as-code project, including the azure naming module to facilitate naming conventions. For the full reference of the supported resource types, head to the main module repository: https://github.com/nianton/azure-naming
As in bicep the 'name' property of the resources to be created has to be know compile-time, the naming module cannot be directly consumed to name a resource but only as parameter to a module, we are resorting to have a subscription-level deployment azure.deploy.bicep
which is passing as input parameter to the main.bicep
deployment the naming part.
targetScope = 'subscription'
param location string
param applicationName string
param environment string
param tags object = {}
var defaultTags = union({
applicationName: applicationName
environment: environment
}, tags)
resource rg 'Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups@2021-04-01' = {
name: 'rg-${applicationName}-${environment}'
location: location
tags: defaultTags
module naming 'modules/naming.module.bicep' = {
scope: resourceGroup(rg.name)
name: 'NamingDeployment'
params: {
suffix: [
'**location**' // location/region placeholder, it will be replaced with its abbreviation
uniqueLength: 6
uniqueSeed: rg.id
module main 'main.bicep' = {
scope: resourceGroup(rg.name)
name: 'MainDeployment'
params: {
location: location
naming: naming.outputs.names
tags: defaultTags
output resourceGroupName string = rg.name
output naming object = naming.outputs.names
The main deployment is handled by the main.bicep
file, which dictates the resources to be created within the created resource group and is responsible to consume the naming module as input.
In the modules
folder, there is a sample module implementation for a storage account named storage.module.bicep
- 2024-02-11: It now requires Bicep version v0.25.3 or later, which includes the support for user defined types along with compile time imports.