This is just a simple Chrome Extension that aims to help navigation when running Chrome on Kiosk mode with tablet/phone devices.
This extension can show a little dockbar injected inside HTML pages to provide some functionality controlled by windows registry
####Available buttons/features:
- Reload buttons
- Battery power indicator
- Wifi signal strength indicator
- Button to redirect page to a fixed address
- Program opener
- Collapse button
- Zoom buttons
Also it provides:
- Autoreload on loading page error (dns, connection etc etc)
- Allow access only to a set of websites defined throught a whitelist
This extension uses Chrome nativeMessaging support for opening external files and retrieving wifi signal strength
Compile host_application - under native/ - with a C++11 compiler
Deploy to Chrome Developer Dashboard your own extension located under extension/
You can skip this step if you are willingly to use my published extension, but there is no warranty on future updates
Deploy these files in a fixed directory:
- native/ * manifest.json * wifi.ps1
and host_application.exe
Substitute inside manifest.json the full path to host_application.exe and the extension ID you are using
Deploy native/register_application.reg substituting the path to manifest.json you deployed in previous step
Add configuration inside machine registry as explained below
Define a whitelist of permitted sites (example can be found below). No or empty whitelist is considered as full access to sites
Install extension through Chrome Store or force install policy and restart Chrome
An example can be found inside native/create_configuration.reg
An example can be found inside native/create_whitelist.reg
Windows 10 x64 + Chrome 56.0.2924.21 beta (64-bit)
- Add settings page