- delete and update don't require access, make them be logged in
- actually asked gpt if this is neccessary because it may be redundant if the non-user will never see this info to change it in the first place
SetUp all Possible Paths in PostMan unless your testing can do that for for
''' I think there is a schema issue in doctor_patient.py ''' """ ChatGPT Additionally, can you modify the create_doctor_patient function and the corresponding post such that it integrates the relevant information from schemas.py? """
Okay so you added all these things in ultimatley next you should test them, more importantly, you should build tests for them. Doc
def chatbot(conversation, model="gpt-4", temperature=0): max_retry = 7 retry = 0 while True: try: response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=model, messages=conversation, temperature=temperature) text = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'] return text, response['usage']['total_tokens'] except Exception as oops: print(f'\n\nError communicating with OpenAI: "{oops}"') if 'maximum context length' in str(oops): a = conversation.pop(0) print('\n\n DEBUG: Trimming oldest message') continue retry += 1 if retry >= max_retry: print(f"\n\nExiting due to excessive errors in API: {oops}") exit(1) print(f'\n\nRetrying in {2 ** (retry - 1) * 5} seconds...') sleep(2 ** (retry - 1) * 5) '''
- Maybe put some more constraints on password and username ex: at least 8 characters
make mirgrations
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml run app alembic revision --autogenerate -m "New Migration"
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml run app alembic upgrade head docker-compose build docker-compose up
This route is about likes or vote system and this route contain code for upvote or back vote there is not logic about down vote
First clone this repo by using following command
git clone https://github.com/Sanjeev-Thiyagarajan/fastapi-course.git
cd fastapi-course
Then install fastapp using all flag like
pip install fastapi[all]
Then go this repo folder in your local computer run follwoing command
uvicorn main:app --reload
Then you can use following link to use the API
Create a database in postgres then create a file name .env and write the following things in you file
DATABASE_PASSWORD = passward_that_you_set
DATABASE_NAME = name_of_database
SECRET_KEY = 09d25e094faa2556c818166b7a99f6f0f4c3b88e8d3e7