A GitHub Action to generate a report which contains repository collaborator details for a GitHub organization.
A GitHub Action to generate a report that contains various metrics for all repositories belonging to a GitHub organization.
A GitHub Action to automatically approve your own pull request for a protected branch using a GitHub App.
A GitHub Action to prevent pull requests from being merged and sends issue notifications if a branch is not following the configured naming convention.
A GitHub Action to verify if a pull request title or body contains a valid regex pattern.
A GitHub Action to generate a report that contains member contribution data for a set interval belonging to a GitHub organization.
A GitHub Action to generate a report to retrieve pending and failed invitations for a GitHub cloud enterprise or organization.
A GitHub Action to generate a report that contains the total amount of Git clones, pushes and fetches per repository for a set interval.
An Action to generate reports per organization which contain the total number of owners, members and outside collaborators part of a GitHub Enterprise Cloud instance.
A GitHub Action to generate reports that contain all the SSH keys, personal access tokens, GitHub App installations, deploy keys and their respective permissions authorized against a GitHub organiz…
github-repo-transfer-utility Public
A utility to batch transfer GitHub repositories from one organization or user to another.
A GitHub Action to generate a report that contains the total amount of Git clones, pushes and fetches per organization member for a set interval.
A GitHub Action to generate a report that contains code frequency metrics and programming languages used per repository belonging to a GitHub organization.
A GitHub Action to generate a report retrieving member email addresses from a GitHub cloud organization where possible.
aks-auto-scaling-github-self-hosted-runners Public archive
A step-by-step guide how to configure AKS auto-scaling for GitHub self-hosted runners on Azure
A GitHub App that opens an issue and sends a notification to the repository creator if a repository is created with a name not matching a set regex string.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 16, 2021 -
A GitHub Action that generates a report with all repository names including the date of creation belonging to an organization not matching a set regex string.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 16, 2021 -
Install and configure Git, PuTTY and SSH keys on Windows with GitHub
Microsoft Teams Mac OS virtual camera fix
1 UpdatedJan 14, 2021