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Starred repositories
🔥 Personal website & portfolio, built from scratch using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, SWR, MDX, Firebase and Prisma.
My personal website built with TypeScript, Next.js, and TailwindCSS
Portfolio Website using ViteJS, Supabase, DaisyUI and ThreeJS
personal portfolio w/ nextjs, tailwind, notion api, framer motion, shadcn, headless ui
Source code for the 5 part tutorial on how to create a blog using next.js and supabase
My portfolio powered by Next.js, content sourced from Notion, styled with Tailwind CSS and deployed on Vercel. 🙌
A full stack blog made with NextJs 13, NextAuth, supabase , prisma and uploadthing
🌎 Multi-User, Full-stack blogging application built with Next.js and Supabase.
samcuxx / skateshop
Forked from sadmann7/skateshopAn open source e-commerce skateshop build with everything new in Next.js 13.
samcuxx / commerce-NextJs
Forked from vercel/commerceNext.js Commerce
samcuxx / portfolio
Forked from yashfalke77/portfolioHello! My name is Yash Falke and this is my portfolio .I’m a Front-End Developer located in India and i have a serious passion for UI effects, animations and creating intuitive, dynamic user experi…
samcuxx / sanity-template-nextjs-app-router-personal-website
Forked from sanity-io/sanity-template-nextjs-app-router-personal-websiteA Next.js Personal Website with a Native Authoring Experience. Uses app router.
In this repo are have built a full stack ecommerce app with Next.js 13 App Router, Vercel Postgresql, Drizzle Orm, Sanity & Stripe Api for Payment Processing and in addition we will use Route Handl…
An ecommerce website created with Nextjs 13 (Pages router) and Typescript. Data is managed through a customized Sanity Studio cms
In this project, I am using Next.js 13, Tailwind CSS, Sanity, DrizzleORM, PostgreSQL, and more
E-Commerce Website with Minimal Design | using: TypeScript + Next.js 14 + TailwindCSS + Sanity + Shadcn
For learning purpose, this is a playground for me to learn new technologies as TypeScript, latest version of Next.js and Sanity
Site para lojas, feito com Nextjs utilizando low code (sanity.io)
Next JS Web App developed using Sanity.io, Prisma, Next Auth, and Stripe js
Full Stack E-Commerce App with Next 13, React, Sanity, Stripe, & TailwindCSS
The Erazib Ecommerce practice project is a fully functional online store. It provides a seamless and intuitive user experience with interactive features and smooth navigation. The project leverages…
This e-commerce platform make use of Stripe payments, Algolia Search, and Sanity for content management.