In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:5000 to test it in the browser.
- Register new user
POST: /api/users/register/
- Login user
POST: /api/users/login/
- Show all users
GET: /api/users/
- View an user profile
GET: /api/users/:slug/
- Edit profile of logged user
PUT: /api/users/:slug/
- Add specialities to logged user
POST: /api/users/add-new-speciality/
- Remove specialities to logged user
POST: /api/users/remove-speciality/
- Show all roles
GET: /api/roles/
- Create new Role
POST: /api/roles/
- Show all specialities
GET: /api/roles/
- Create new Role
POST: /api/roles/