PizzaFactory is a Rails 8 API-only backend for a pizza ordering service. This service handles pizza orders, inventory management, and vendor operations such as updating the menu.
- Menu Display: Retrieve pizzas, toppings, sides, and available crust types.
- Order Processing: Create orders with customizable pizzas and sides. The system validates business rules (e.g., topping restrictions and free toppings on large pizzas) and verifies/deducts inventory.
- Order Cancellation: Cancel orders via a dedicated endpoint.
- Inventory Management: Restock inventory items.
- Vendor Operations: Vendors can add or update pizzas, toppings, and sides.
Clone the repository and navigate into the project directory.
Install dependencies:
bundle install
Set up the database:
rails db:create rails db:migrate rails db:seed
tart the rails server
rails server
he API will be available at http://localhost:3000.
API Endpoints
Get Menu
Method: GET URL: http://localhost:3000/menu Description: Returns all pizzas, toppings, sides, and the fixed list of crust types. Payload: None
Create an Order Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:3000/orders
Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Description: Creates a new order with one or more pizzas and optional side orders. Business rules are validated and inventory is checked.
Sample Payload:
json { "order": { "pizza_orders_attributes": [ { "pizza_menu_id": 1, "size": "medium", "crust": "New hand tossed", "pizza_toppings_attributes": [ { "topping_id": 1 } ] } ], "order_sides_attributes": [ { "side_id": 1 } ] } }
Cancel an Order Method: PATCH
URL: http://localhost:3000/orders/:id/cancel Replace :id with the actual order ID (e.g., 1).
Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Description: Cancels an order if it hasn’t already been cancelled.
Payload: None
Example URL:
Restock Inventory Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:3000/inventory/restock
Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Description: Restocks an inventory item (topping, side, or pizza).
Sample Payload:
json { "inventory": { "item_type": "topping", "item_name": "Black olive", "quantity": 10 } }
Vendor Endpoints Vendor endpoints allow vendors to add or update menu items.
a. Create a New Pizza Menu Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:3000/vendor/pizza_menus Headers: Content-Type: application/json Description: Creates a new pizza menu item. Sample Payload: json { "pizza_menu": { "name": "New Special", "category": "Vegetarian", "price_regular": 180, "price_medium": 250, "price_large": 350 } }
b. Update an Existing Pizza Menu Method: PATCH
URL: http://localhost:3000/vendor/pizza_menus/:id Replace :id with the pizza menu ID. Headers: Content-Type: application/json Description: Updates details (e.g., pricing) of an existing pizza. Sample Payload: json { "pizza_menu": { "price_regular": 190, "price_medium": 260, "price_large": 360 } }
c. Create a New Topping Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:3000/vendor/toppings Headers: Content-Type: application/json Description: Creates a new topping. Sample Payload: json { "topping": { "name": "Olives", "topping_type": "veg", "price": 15 } }
d. Update an Existing Topping Method: PATCH
URL: http://localhost:3000/vendor/toppings/:id Replace :id with the topping ID. Headers: Content-Type: application/json Description: Updates an existing topping. Sample Payload: json { "topping": { "price": 40 } }
e. Create a New Side Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:3000/vendor/sides Headers: Content-Type: application/json Description: Creates a new side item. Sample Payload: json { "side": { "name": "Garlic Bread", "price": 50 } }
f. Update an Existing Side Method: PATCH
URL: http://localhost:3000/vendor/sides/:id Replace :id with the side ID. Headers: Content-Type: application/json Description: Updates an existing side item. Sample Payload: json { "side": { "price": 55 } }
Testing with Postman
For each endpoint:
Set the HTTP Method and URL:
For example, for creating an order, set the method to POST and the URL to http://localhost:3000/orders.
Set the Headers:
Go to the Headers tab and add Content-Type with the value application/json.
Configure the Request Body:
Click the Body tab.
Select the raw option.
In the dropdown next to "raw", choose JSON.
Paste the sample JSON payload corresponding to the endpoint you are testing.
Send the Request:
Click Send to submit the request.
Review the response returned by the API in the response panel.
MIME Type Issues:
If you receive errors about an invalid MIME type, ensure that the Content-Type header is set to application/json and that your body is formatted as valid JSON.
Missing Fields:
If you encounter validation errors (e.g., "Item type can't be blank"), double-check that your payload includes all required keys and values.
Server Logs:
If something isn’t working as expected, check your Rails server logs for more detailed error messages.