- Author: PaulBer19
- URL: [email protected]
- Download:
- Compatibility:
- minimum supported NVDA version: 2019.3
- last tested NVDA version: 2021.2
Traductor (s): automatic translation from french language
The add-on adds to NVDA:
some features can be enabled or disabled individually.
Display of the list of icons in the notification area ,
Display of the windows list of running applications,
Help in the composition of a symbol that is complex such as, for example, a a e related, a symbol power of 2 and possibility to add its own categories and symbols,
Extension of the functionality of the virtual buffer for browsers Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and Google Chrome:
- new commands for navigation mode (paragraph, division, anchor, main landmark),
- new types of elements for the dialog box opened by "NVDA+F7" (radio button, paragraph, frame, checkBox, etc) with the announcement of the number of items found,
- commands for the tables:
- announce the cells of a row /column , go to first/last cell in the row/current column, move the column/row preceding or following with announcement possible of the cells in that row/column,
- announcement of the URL of the document,
- navigate in loop,
Announcement of the function associated with editing commands style Copy, Paste, etc.,
Announcement of the name of the folder pre-selected in the dialog boxes like "Open","Save", "Save as",etc.,
display of information on the focused application:
- the current profile configuration,
- the name and version number of the application,
- the add-on loaded for the application,
NVDA logs tools:
- Opening the previous or current log,
- copy of current Log path to the clipboard,
history of voice speechs,
renaming keyboard keys,
selective announcement of command keyboard keys ,
simple countdown timer,
display of visible elements making up the object in the foreground,
fast switching of voice profile,
remanence of the modifier keys,
shutdown, reboot or Hibernate the computer,
control the main or NVDA volume:
- mute or unmute volume for the focused application,
- establishment of the main Windows or NVDA volume at the start of the add-on,
- modification of main volume or audio stream's volume of focused application.
Tools for development of add-on.
supplements regarding the date and time: copy date and time to clipboard, report time with seconds
- remove the announcement from the description of the objects in the Windows ribbons,
- proclaim the word focused when deleting a word (for NVDA versions lower than 2020.3),
- automatically maximize the foreground window,
- announce punctuations and symbols when moving by word in a document.
- report, with a sound, the registration of an error in the NVDA log also for the final versions and release candidate of NVDA,
- Caption dialog title with the name of the addon,
- Do not take account of the option called Report object descriptions during the display of the dialog box style confirmation,
- use the numeric keypad's keys conventionally.
- presentation formatting of the text in a dialog box,
- sub-menus to explore the program folders or configuration,
- script to quickly restart NVDA.