Django website for RBM Library.
- Ensure you have git, python and virtualenv installed on your system.
- Clone this repository to the desired location.
- Setup a database and configure the default database on line 25 of rbm_website/, by default it looks for a postgresql with a database named dbn_database, a user called postgres with the password postgres.
- Run to create virtual env, install required packages into it, clean database and setup git hooks.
- Run both and in seperate terminals. The celery terminal will display output when it trains an RBM and any errors related to that.
- Visit the url shown by to see the site.
In rbm_website you can configure FLIPPED_DBNS to be the list of id's of rbms who you want black pixels to be treated as white and vice versa.
You can also configure which DBN displays on the front page by editting HOME_DBN with the corrosponding dbn's id.
Make sure you have registered at least one user before doing this using the sign up page on the website. Run the following commands in the root website folder (where the file is)
Now go to the website and note down the ID of the new Handwritten digits DBN (the number in its url / in the list) Now open rbm_website/ and add its ID to the FLIPPED_DBNS list.
So for example after runnin you go to the website and see that on the DBN list there is a new dbn with a 8 to its left. Now open up rbm_website/ find on line 37
and change it to
where 8 is whatever ID of the new DBN.
This is because the MNIST dataset we used to train this DBN treated black pixels as white and vice versa.
Make sure you always have the virtual enviroment activated when working on the website. Run activate or "source venv/bin/activate" or "source venv/bin/activate.csh" to activate the virtual enviroment.
The git hooks will update requirements.txt every time you commit with whatever packages you have installed to pip.
Once in the virtual environment, run 'python runserver' to setup the local server. If it runs correctly, it will output the address of the home page. Alternatively you can just use to do the same thing.
Celery is used to run the background tasks such as training. To edit these tasks, look at To start celery, run the following: python celeryd -v 2 -B -s celery -E -l INFO
rbm_website/ - The Django project
apps/ - The Django apps (created by us, a Django project ideally consists of a bunch of little apps)
rbm/ - The main section of the website. Contains the DBN models, views and HTML templates
static/ - Contains the static files for use by the RBM app
users/ - The users apps that maintains user accounts. Not much need to edit this section.
libs/ - 3rd party librarys
rbm_lib/ - The RBM Library git repo as a sub module - Project level settings - Project level urls
static/ - Contains global static files like fonts, CSS and javascript files.
hooks/ - Git hooks
pre-commit - Update requirements.txt with pip freeze
post-merge - Install all requirements in requirements.txt (someone else might have added new packages) - Sets up virtual enviroment, project requirements, git hooks, submodules.
requirements.txt - Required python packages, use pip freeze to see what is currently installed in your venv.
Do the tutorial:
Learn how to use virtualenv: provides a really good documentation for django.