🔭 I’m currently working on ML/AI along with NLP and Gen-AI/RAG/LLM
🌱 I’m currently learning Gen-AI, RAG, Blockchain, MLOps, AIOps and VectorDB
⚙️ I use daily: Python, Pyspark, ML/AI, NLP, Gen-AI/RAG/LLM, AWS/Azure/GCP, Knowledge Graph, VectorDB, PowerBI.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Data Science,Data Analytics topics
🤝 I’m looking for help with All Clouds(Azure, GCP & AWS) deployment
📝 I regularly write articles on Linked Articles
💬 Ping me about Python Programming, Statistics, ML/AI, Gen-AI/RAG/LLM/Conv-AI, Knowledge Graph, VectorDB
📫 How to reach me [email protected], Instagram, LinkedIn,Kaggle
⚡ Fun fact I think I am a Jadugar 😆
- Author of 📖 - Introducing RegEx
- Data Preprocessing
- Data Visualization Basics