C-g | abort binding | C-x C-s | save file | |
C-/ | undo | C-x C-f | find / create file | |
C-z | suspend emacs | C-x s | save some files | |
C-x C-c | exit emacs | C-x b | switch buffer | |
C-n | minibuffer next | M-n | minibuffer next history | |
C-p | minibuffer previous | M-p | minibuffer previous history | |
C-x k | kill buffer | C-x C- - | zoom out | |
C-x C-b | list buffers | C-x C- + | zoom in | |
C-u <n> <c> | repeat <c> <n> times | C-h ? | help menu | |
F2 | reformat and save | F6 | toggle flycheck | |
C-x r m | bookmark at point | C-x r l | list all bookmarks | |
C-x n n | narrow to region | C-x n w | undo narrow (widen) |
q | quit help | C-x 1 | close all but current | |
C-x o | goto to next | C-x 2 | split up-down | |
C-x 0 | close current | C-x 3 | split left-right | |
C-x { | resize window left | C-x } | resize window right | |
C-x ^ | resize window up | C-x v | resize window down | |
C-x + | equally size windows | C-M-l | scroll heuristically | |
C-M-v | scroll other window down | C-M-V | scroll other window up | |
C-x 5 2 | new frame | C-x 5 o | goto to next frame |
C-f | next char | C-b | previous char | |
M-f | next word | M-b | previous word | |
C-n | next line | C-p | previous line | |
C-a | line start | C-e | line end | |
M-a | sentence start | M-e | sentence end | |
C-v | next screen | M-v | previous screen | |
M-< | buffer start | M-> | buffer end | |
C-s | search forward | C-r | search backward | |
C-M-s | search forward regex | C-M-r | search backward regex | |
M-g g | goto to line | C-l | center / top / bottom | |
C-’ | avy search timer |
C-c C-’ | mark next | C-’ | if multiple mark next | |
C-c C-; | mark previous | C-; | if multiple mark previous | |
C-” | if multiple unmark next | C-: | if multiple unmark previous | |
C-c C-= | mark all in defun | C-x C-= | mark all | |
C-` | if multiple cycle forward | ENTER | complete |
C-space | set mark | C-M-h | select form | |
M-w | copy selected | C-x h | select all | |
C-y | paste latest cut | M-y | replace C-y with previous cut | |
C-d | delete char | C-j | new line + indent | |
M-d | cut word | M-; | (un)comment selected | |
C-k | cut text forward | M-/ | autocomplete | |
C-S-backspace | cut line | M-\ | clear spaces around point | |
M-k | cut sentence | M-% | replace | |
C-w | cut selected | M-l | lowercase word | |
M-u | uppercase word | C-x C-l | lowercase region | |
C-x C-u | uppercase region | C-x space | rectangle region | |
C-x r t | string rectangle | C– C-= | contract region | |
C-= | expand region | (M-0) F4 | stop / play (until fail) macro | |
F3 | start macro | C-x C-o | delete surrounding blank lines | |
C-M SPACE | select next word | C-u C-c . | insert timestamp | |
C-x w h | highlight regex | C-x w r | unhighlight regex | |
C-x w . | highlight symbol | C-u C-x w r | unhighlight all | |
C-o | add line below | M-DEL | cut word backward | |
M-t | drag word forward | C-c s | sort lines |
p | previous | n | next | |
+ | create dir | g | refresh | |
m | mark | t | inverse mark | |
u | unmark | U | unmark all | |
%m | mark regex by name | %g | mark regex by content | |
%f | find files by name recursive | %F | find files by content recursive | |
M-} | next marked file | M-{ | previous marked file | |
d | mark for delete | x | delete marked for delete | |
D | delete marked | R | rename / move | |
C | copy | ^ | goto parent dir | |
f | edit file | v | view file | |
o | open and goto | C-o | open | |
C-x C-j | goto to dired | C-x 4 C-j | goto to dired new window | |
C-x C-q | change file names | C-c C-c | apply changes | |
q | close dired buffer | C-u q | kill dired buffer | |
TAB | toggle subtree | S-TAB | remove subtree | |
( | show details | k | kill lines (narrow) |
( | open and close delimiter | ) | go through closing delimiters | |
M-([{” | wrap with delimiters | M-s | remove delimiters | |
C-( | move opening delimiter left | C-) | move closing delimiter right | |
C-{ | move opening delimiter right | C-} | move closing delimiter left | |
M-down | remove next and unwrap | M-up | remove previous and unwrap | |
M-S | split delimiters | M-J | join delimiters | |
C-M-f | goto to closing delimiter | C-M-b | goto to opening delimiter |
- delimiters: () [] {} “”
M-n | next choice |
M-p | previous choice |
M-(digit) | nth choice |
f1 | see docs for selected |
C-w | see source for selected |
C-c C-k | eval buffer | C-c M-j | run and open | |
C-c C-e | eval form, show | C-c M-n M-n | switch repl ns | |
C-u C-c C-e | eval form, write | C-u C-c C-o | clear buffer | |
C-c C-c | eval defun | C-c M-; | eval defun, comment | |
C-c C-b | kill eval | C-c C-z | go to repl or back | |
C-c M-i | inspect form | C-u C-c C-c | debug form | |
M-. | go to symbol def | M-, | return back | |
C-c C-t C-n | run ns tests | C-c C-t C-p | run project tests | |
C-c C-d C-d | display doc | C-c C-u | undefine symbol | |
C-c C-j | goto to error | F7 | toggle cider-error |
C-x g | status |
? | help |
C-n | next line |
C-p | previous line |
n | next item |
p | previous item |
M-n | next section |
M-p | previous section |
TAB | toggle expand parent |
S-TAB | hide expanded |
TAB | toggle local visibility |
S-TAB | toggle global visibility |
C-ENTER | add same level heading |
M-RIGHT / LEFT | level inc / dec headline |
M-S-RIGHT / LEFT | level inc / dec section |
M-UP / DOWN | move section up / down |
M-S-UP / DOWN | move heading up / down |
C-c C-w | move under another level |
S-UP / DOWN | priority inc / dec |
C-c C-p | goto previous heading |
C-c C-n | goto next heading |
S-RIGHT / LEFT | cycling |
C-c C-t | keywords menu |
#+SEQ_TODO | define new keyword |
TODO(t@/!) | specify logging |
@ - ts + note on enter | |
! - ts on exit |
C-C C-s | schedule |
C-c C-d | deadline |
C-c C-z | add note (to :LOGBOOK:) |
C-c [ | add file to agenda list |
C-c ] | remove file from agenda list |
C-c a | agenda view |
C-u 5 C-c a | agenda view for 5 days |
g | refresh agenda |
F | follow mode |
f / b | move forward / back |
t | change task status |
+1w | 1 week |
++1w | 1 week in future |
.+1w | 1 week after task is DONE |
C-c C-c | cycling |
M-S-ENTER | new item |
[/] | number of done |
[%] | percent of done |
C-c C-q | assign to headline |
#+TAGS: | define new tags |
-TAG_NAME | exclude from agenda+m |
C-c C-x C-a | internal archive subtree |
C-c C-x C-s | move subtree to archive |
#+ARCHIVE: | define archive file |
C-c C-l | create / edit link |
C-c C-o | open link |
C-c & | return back from link |
website | website |
file:~/.emacs.d/README.org | file |
file:~/.emacs.d/README.org::17 | file at line |
file:~/.emacs.d/README.org::*Basic | file at headline |
Goto here | radio target <<here>> |
Org | section |
id:d34d34fe-1b76-4e1d-a60d-a119bef6f542 | :PROPERTIES: -> :ID: (F5) |
TODO | gnus email |
TAB | next cell |
S-TAB | previous cell |
S-LEFT / RIGHT | move cell left / right |
S-DOWN / UP | move cell up / down |
M-LEFT / RIGHT | move column left / right |
M-DOWN / UP | move row up / down |
<length-number> | set max column length |
C-c TAB | apply max column length |
C-c ^ | sort table |
M-S-DOWN / UP | add / delete row |
M-S-RIGHT / LEFT | add / delete column |
C-c - | add line row |
#+TBLFM: @3..@$1=@#-1 | row number formula |
$colnum @rownum | references in #+TBLFM: |
#+CONSTANTS: | constants for formulas |
C-c C-x ; | timer start countdown |
C-c C-x 0 | timer start relative |
C-u C-c C-x 0 | timer start relative + offset |
C-c C-x , | timer toggle pause |
C-u C-c C-x , | timer stop |
C-c C-x . | insert timestamp |
C-c C-x - | insert timestamp list |
C-c C-x C-i | clock in |
C-c C-x C-o | clock out |
C-c C-x C-x | clock restart |
C-c C-x C-q | clock quit |
C-c C-x C-d | clock display (C-c C-c close) |
C-c C-x C-j | goto to clocked task |
C-c C-x e | set effort estimate |
C-u C-c C-x C-x | recently clocked tasks |
M-RIGHT / LEFT | level inc / dec effort |
#+PROPERTY: Effort_ALL | def effort values |
C-c C-x C-c | open column view (Q close) |
#+COLUMNS: | customize column view |
#+BEGIN: clocktable | capture clocking report |
#+BEGIN: columnview | capture column view |
#+SETUPFILE | file wth settings |
C-c C-c | activate #+ line |
C-c c | prompt capture |
:DRAWERNAME: | custom drawer |
:PROPERTIES: | agenda search, :LOGGING:, :ORDERED: :COLUMNS: |
C-c C-e | export menu |
C-c C-, | insert begin…end block |
C-c ’ | open begin_src in new window |
C-c M-f | goto to next src block |
C-c M-b | goto to previous src block |
emphasis | bold italic underlined verbatim code |
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Clojure | Emacs Lisp |
& | &rest |
(#{x} x) | seq-contains |
(= #{..} #{..}) | seq-set-equal-p |
.indexOf | seq-position |
.remove = | delete |
.remove identical? | delq |
\c | ?c |
= | equal |
== | = |
-> | thread-first |
> < <= >= | > < <= >= |
->> | thread-last |
and | and |
apply | apply |
class | type-of |
compare | sting< string> |
concat | seq-concatenate |
cond | cond |
cons | cons |
count | length |
dec | 1- |
def | setq |
defn | defun |
defonce | defvar defcustom |
distinct | seq-uniq |
do | progn |
doseq | dolist |
dotimes | dotimes |
drop | nthcdr |
drop-while | seq-drop-while |
empty? list | null |
empty? string | string-empty-p |
every? | seq-every-p |
false | nil () |
filter | seq-filter |
first | car |
fn | lambda |
format | format |
group-by | seq-group-by |
identical? | eq |
if | if |
if-some | if-let |
inc | 1+ |
into | append |
let | let* |
list | list |
list? | listp |
map | mapcar |
mapcat | mapcan |
map-indexed | seq-map-indexed |
max | max |
min | min |
name | symbol-name |
nth | nth |
or | or |
partition-all | seq-partition |
println | message |
prn | |
rand-nth | seq-random-elt |
range | number-sequence |
reduce | seq-reduce |
re-matches | string-match-p |
remove = | remove |
remove identical? | remq |
remove predicate | seq-remove |
rest | cdr |
reverse | reverse |
run! | mapc |
set/difference | seq-difference |
set/intersection | seq-intersection |
set/union | seq-union |
setq | def |
some | seq-find |
sort-by | sort |
str | concat |
str/blank? | string-blank-p |
str/join | mapconcat |
subvec | seq-subseq |
take | seq-take |
take-while | seq-take-while |
true | t |
when | when |
when-not | unless |
when-some | when-let |
while | while |
zero? | zerop |