RAG with a Swag!!!
Submitted By - Nikhil Shrimali
- Click here for Colab implementation
- Two HuggingFace BERT-base pretrained models for encoding Question and Answer
- Parameters for Context doucments are freezed
- Only question models parameters are trained
- The CLS token outputs of both the models are compared using Cosine Similarity Function
- Custom dataloader pipeline is written to support this hybrid architecture
- Models Hyperparameters
- Loss - Cosine Loss
- Optimizer - AdamW
class Question_Model(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Question_Model, self).__init__()
self.question_model = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask):
question_outputs = self.question_model(input_ids, attention_mask)
return question_outputs
class Context_Model(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Context_Model, self).__init__()
self.context_model = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask):
context_outputs = self.context_model(input_ids, attention_mask)
return context_outputs
class EnsembleTokens(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(EnsembleTokens, self).__init__()
self.question_model = Question_Model().to(device)
self.context_model = Context_Model().to(device)
# Freezing context model's params
for param in list(self.context_model.children()):
param.requires_grad = False
def forward(self, encoding, mode='train'):
if mode == 'train':
question_encoded = self.question_model(encoding['input_ids_questions'].to(device), encoding['attention_mask_questions'].to(device))
context_encoded = self.context_model(encoding['input_ids_context'].to(device), encoding['attention_mask_context'].to(device))
return question_encoded, context_encoded
if mode == 'inference':
question_encoded = self.question_model(encoding['input_ids_questions'].to(device), encoding['attention_mask_questions'].to(device))
return question_encoded
- Click here for Colab implementation
- HuggingFace BART model is trained on Questions + 2 Similar Contexts (Cuda out of memory in case of 3 contexts)
- Custom dataloader pipeline
- Convert the question sentence to BERT encodings
- Load saved extract of BERT encodings of all contexts in dataset (11k Unique Contexts)
- Retrieve top 2 matching context documents using FAISS. (Note- Top 3 results in CUDA memory errors)
class BARTTrain(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(BARTTrain, self).__init__()
self.model = BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-base')
def forward(self, encodings, mode):
if mode == 'train':
model_outputs = self.model(
model_outputs = self.model.generate(encodings)
return model_outputs
Click here for Colab implementation
- Question Input is taken from User
- Input is converted into BERT based encoding using Pretrained BERT question model
- BERT based question's context is matched with similar context and top 2 context is retrieved
- This output is then sent to BART based encoder for retrieval
def inference(question, bart_tokenizer, bart_model):
# Get Pretrained BERT encodings
ge = GetEncodings(type='questions')
encoded_question = ge.encode(question, max_length=30)
# Find top matching documents
ss = SearchSimilar(iterator = df_context['context'].values.tolist(), filename='index.bin', embeddings=model_op, shape=768, device=device)
similar_contexts = ss.get_n_similar_vectors(encoded_question, 3)
similar_contexts.insert(0, question)
combined_tokens = '</s></s>'.join(similar_contexts)
print(f'Top similar document outputs is {combined_tokens}')
# Prepare data for BART Inferencing
source_encoding = tokenizer(
# Inference BART Model
output = bart_model(source_encoding['input_ids'].to(device), mode = 'eval')
output = tokenizer.decode(output[0])
return output
Training Loss for BART
Training Loss for BI-Encoders
- The main challeges are faced with the infra. Its difficult to load models and dataset and train
- After Cleanup almost 25k (Question, answers, encodings) are retrieved
- Traing 25k on BART is taking 5.5 hrs for each epoch
- For inferencing, Loading both BERT Ensemble and BART model on same colab environment is difficult, hence encodings are stored seperately
- Currently working on a sample data
- Currently showcased a complete pipeline, model needs to be trained more to show correct outputs