CodeTracer is a user-friendly time-traveling debugger designed to support a wide range of programming languages.
Nearly zero-overhead input/output streams for Nim
Dear Imgui / CImGui, ImPlot/CImPlot wrapper for Nim language
Sauer is a command-line scaffolder for Karax and Kraut-powered SPA.
Syntax sugar for `cligen`'s procpool for easy multiprocessing
Macro-oriented asynchronous web-framework written in Nim with ♥
Asynchronous Library Inspired by Go's goroutines, for Nim
A declarative user interface framework based on GTK 4
A curses inspired simple cross-platform console library for Nim
Generate a shared library and bindings for many languages.
Chronos - An efficient library for asynchronous programming
Trait/interface system for Nim, allowing semi-checked generics or dynamic dispatch on signatures.
An HTTP and WebSocket server for Nim that returns to the ancient ways of threads.
A query_builder/ORM library inspired by Laravel/PHP and Orator/Python for Nim