This is a fork of GitHub's Hubot that's substantially less shitty.
For as much as GitHub tithes the Church of Unix, they really blew it on Hubot. If you think about it, Hubot is a lot like old-school CGI. It takes text in from an adapter, decides what to do with that request, and spits text back out.
Sound familiar? Yeah, because it's standard in/standard out. Unix can do that all by itself with out all the stupid Node.js cancer.
This rewrite of Hubot accomplishes exactly that.
I wanted GH-Hubot to deploy some code, which, in my setup, amounts to running
fab deploy
, and thought that Hubot would let me just run arbitrary shell commands,
and I was wrong. After looking into it, I decided that GH-Hubot is like, well,
anything people wore in the 80's. You're going to look back on that in a few years
and say "what the fuck was I thinking?".
Yeah, and GH-Hubot needs Redis. Why the fuck would you need bot-side persistence so bad that you start a networked server to store it instead of using a file.
Want to do bot-side persistence with my Hubot? Go nuts, do what you will, but write your own adapter/plugin for it.
Dependencies you'll need:
- bash
- find
Basically the stuff you will find in a Unix/Linux distro worth using.
Some of the plugins and adapters have additional dependencies, most notably,
the campfire adapter needs Python and the pip
package "pyfire", which you can get
by running sudo pip install pyfire
Run Hubot for Campfire:
bin/hubot -a campfire
Or just run it in shell"
My Hubot ships with both Campfire and shell adapters.
Way easier here than with GitHub's Hubot. Plus, you don't have to dirty your hands with JavaScript.
An adapter in this fork of Hubot is an arbitrary program. It's best to make it a shell
script, because you get to use the list_plugins
bash function. Have a look at the
shell adapter for a basic example.
will return a list of paths to plugin binaries, which you can call as you see fit.
Again, easier and more flexible than GH-Hubot. A plugin here is an arbitrary executable.
The preferred idiom is that every plugin gets executed for every line of input. If your plugin has nothing to say for that input line, it should say nothing and exit normally. If it wants to respond, it should print its response on standard out.
The adapter will read that response and do what it pleases with it.
Check out the campfire
adapter for an example of how to execute plugins in parallel.
One cool feature that the Unix version of Hubot has that the Node.js version does not is that, to add a plugin, you just need to put the executable in the plugins directory. You do not need to restart Hubot.