A solution at this link suggests :
- Download the appropriate version of ChromeDriver, which meant knowing the version of Chromium packaged inside the Electron browser our VS Code uses.
- Add ChromeDriver to our PATH.
- Choose the appropriate VS Code binary
- Set up our VS Code to run the tests properly. We cannot, for instance, use the native title bar.
- Download another instance of VS Code just for testing. (We do not want to mess up the instance of VS Code we actually use.)
- Build our extension.
- Install the extension into the new instance.
Create hello world project to test.
npm install --save-dev vscode-extension-tester mocha @types/mocha
npm install --save-dev chai @types/chai
create file src/ui-test/helloworld-test.ts (in src so typescript can compile).
For test, we will use the files compiled to out.
Add script to run tests:
"ui-test": "npm run compile && extest setup-and-run out/ui-test/*.js"
Create test-resources
- this folder will contain
- instance of vscode for testing
- chromedriver binary
- screenshots from failed tests
- must be excluded from vsce packaging command (else errors)
- add to excludes field in tsconfig.json "exclude": ["node_modules", ".vscode-test", "test-resources"]
- update .vscodeignore to make sure it is excluded from vsix files test-resources/**
Write a test for workbench and run a command
import { Workbench, Notification, WebDriver, VSBrowser, NotificationType } from 'vscode-extension-tester';
import { expect } from 'chai';
describe('Hello World Example UI Tests', () => {
let driver: WebDriver;
before(() => {
driver = VSBrowser.instance.driver;
it('Command shows a notification with the correct text', async () => {
const workbench = new Workbench();
await workbench.executeCommand('Hello World');
const notification = await driver.wait(() => { return notificationExists('Hello'); }, 2000) as Notification;
expect(await notification.getMessage()).equals('Hello World!');
expect(await notification.getType()).equals(NotificationType.Info);
// Get notification with text
async function notificationExists(text: string): Promise<Notification | undefined> {
const notifications = await new Workbench().getNotifications();
for (const notification of notifications) {
const message = await notification.getMessage();
if (message.indexOf(text) >= 0) {
return notification;
npm run ui-test
Resources :
- https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2019/11/18/new-tools-for-automating-end-to-end-tests-for-vs-code-extensions/
- vscode extension tester : https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-extension-tester/wiki/Test-Setup#using-the-cli
- extension tester page objects: https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-extension-tester/wiki/Page-Object-APIs Also try : https://vscode.rocks/testing/