Analysis of an ECG signal loaded from PhysioBank (using WFDB) or a CSV file:
- Baseline filtering by: Butterworth, moving average, Savitzky-Golay, LMS filter
- R peaks detection
- DFA analysis
- Waves detection: QRS, T, P (onset & end)
- HRV analysis
- Poincare plot
Project is developed in Julia language with plots in PyPlot and GUI in Gtk.jl.
Requirements: Julia, GTK+, Matplotlib, PyPlot, WFDB.
University: AGH University of Science in Kraków, Poland
Subject: Signal Processing in Medical Diagnostic Systems 2 (PSwSDM2)
Authors: Michał Chrzanowski, Łukasz Dziedzic, Jerzy Głowacki, Piotr Klimiec, Dariusz Kucharski, Michał Mach, Konrad Strojny, Paweł Tokarz, Konrad Zaworski
Year: 2015
Docs: Dokumentacja.pdf (in Polish)