GraphGAN Public
Forked from hwwang55/GraphGANA tensorflow implementation of GraphGAN (Graph Representation Learning with Generative Adversarial Nets)
Andrew-Ng-Deep-Learning-notes Public
Forked from bighuang624/Andrew-Ng-Deep-Learning-notes吴恩达《深度学习》系列课程笔记及代码
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 22, 2018 -
RSPapers Public
Forked from hongleizhang/RSPapersMust-read papers on Recommender System.
MIT License UpdatedAug 14, 2018 -
deep-learning-with-python-notebooks Public
Forked from fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooksJupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2018 -
Autorec Public
Forked from gtshs2/AutorecAutorec (Autoencoders Meet Collaborative Filtering)
Python UpdatedJun 25, 2018 -
RSAlgorithms Public
Forked from hongleizhang/RSAlgorithmsSome algorithms about traditional and social recommendation.
Python UpdatedJun 12, 2018 -
deeplearning.ai Public
Forked from JudasDie/deeplearning.aiSome work of Andrew Ng's course on Coursera
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 8, 2018 -
notes-python Public
Forked from lijin-THU/notes-python中文 Python 笔记
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 7, 2018 -
char-rnn Public
Forked from karpathy/char-rnnMulti-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, GRU, RNN) for character-level language models in Torch
Lua UpdatedMay 4, 2018 -
deeplearning.ai-1 Public
Forked from MenNianShi/deeplearning.aideeplearning.ai , By Andrew Ng, All slide and notebook + code and some material.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 16, 2018 -
neural_collaborative_filtering Public
Forked from hexiangnan/neural_collaborative_filteringNeural Collaborative Filtering
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 2, 2018 -
DeepLearningBook Public
Forked from innovation-cat/DeepLearningBookThis repository is used to publish source code of my deep learning book
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2017 -
SVDRecommenderSystem Public
Forked from jingchenUSTC/SVDRecommenderSystem将SVD应用于推荐系统中的评分预测问题
C++ UpdatedJan 25, 2015